God is so good! As I was pulling out to the church parking lot last night for the weekend, I felt God telling me to stop and go back into the parking lot and wait a bit. He's done this a number of times, but He never tells me why until I obey him (a good life lesson right there). So i turned back and parked, and as soon as I did, the Holy Spirit reminded me that I forgot my notebook in my office. I've noticed that the Holy Spirit never lets me leave church without reminding me to get my notebook (when I forget it), for when God speaks to me, I immediately write it in my notebook.
Once I had my notebook, I had peace about driving away then. God directed me to take some different routs on the way home. He gave me plenty of prayer time and told me where to go as I prayed and drove. He at one point took me to DCSS (Discipleship Christian Secondary School; a small christian high school). At first I wasn't for sure why He had me go there. as I was pulling in the parking lot, I had the image of myself praying in front of the front doors, I immediately replied, "oh no God, I'm staying in my car. I'm not going to get out and pray in front of the school and make myself look ridiculous and embarrass myself. I'll stay in the car to pray though." God calmly replied with a smile, "whom shall you fear? Fear not for I am with you." So as I pulled in, I said the same thing to God as I drove past and I saw a picture of myself parked right up front in the middle by the doors. I told God I'll park off to the side further from the middle and the lights and people's sights. But God gave me the same reply and what do you know, I parked right in the middle, up front, right in front of the doors - in plain view of any eye looking at the parking lot.
As I got out of the car, God instructed me to walk the parking lot, up and down the rows, across every parking spot and pray in the Spirit. So I did. Then He had me walk around the building (which wasn't lit all the way around). The whole time I was here, He had me pray in the spirit, for He said that darkness was trying to (or was going to try to, or had) penetrate this place, and He wanted someone to pray it away; to bring the power of the spirit into the situation so that that place would be a light in the darkness. He had me walk on the porch and on the sidewalks and hold each door handle while praying. He had me walk all the parking lot aisles and back and forth over and over again at the entrance of the parking lot. I met two people while praying and I asked them if I could pray for them, but they both said no.
As I was pulling out, God told me to drive down and back the street ahead of me 10 times praying in the spirit (down and back was one time). So I did. By the seventh or so time, a guy (who I had asked if I could pray for him earlier, who lived on the street and had been watching me) walked out and asked me what on earth am I doing (he didn't seem too happy). I simply told him I was praying, and that seemed to satisfy him. I again asked if I could pray for him for anything, and he said, "no I'll go to church on Sunday." So I pray that God will work in his life at church on Sunday.
In all the 20-30 minute drive home from church took me about 90-100 minutes. It was well worth it. I had some great time in prayer, and got to drive a lot. God is so Good!
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