Saturday, October 15, 2016

An Ant Walking Through A Room

During Life Groups this past Wednesday God spent a good time talking to me:

I looked down and I saw a tiny ant walking on the carpet towards my shoe.  I squished it, but God used something as small as a (now dead) ant to speak volumes to me.

I saw the floor, the carpet, as life.   The stands of the material make little hills and valleys in life, but in general, it's "flat," though for the ant it's so much bigger.  But the room isn't empty, it's full of people, chairs, carts, tables, etc...

I am the ant, as I walk life I will run into shoes or chair legs, seemingly huge obstacles.  I so easily try to avoid dealing with them and will make a huge, too long of a trip, to go around the shoe instead of learning to climb over it and continue (the shortest path).  If/when I go around I will still run into obstacles, but they will be bigger and more overwhelming and challenging because I never learned how to climb over the smaller ones.   But if/when I walk through the fire and work through the pain and trial and climb over the shoe, it will be easier to climb the next, bigger obstacle.  It will be easier to build  upon the trust I built with God on the smaller obstacles.  

If I allow them to; if I approach obstacles with fear; if I live in fear, obstacles will squish me.

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