Sunday, October 16, 2016

Rest & Healing At God's House

Friday morning when I got up, I knew that I was coming down with a cold or something again.  I did not feel that great, however, I felt good enough to go to church and serve in Kindergarten.   Though, I told myself, that this weekend I would rest.  

Saturday morning, I really felt like God was saying that this is going to be a weekend of healing, not just for me but for a lot of people.  I was feeling a lot worse, but I knew a bunch of people who were really sick as well.   So I asked my Facebook community to join me in prayer that this would be a weekend of healing.   I then returned to bed to get some rest.  

I woke up between 3:00-3:30pm on Saturday, more than 18 hours of rest, 17 of them I was asleep!   None the less I started my day at 3:30pm.   I ate, and then went and worked on reading my book and writing my book report.   It was a very productive day.  

Saturday night finally came and I didn't know if I'd be able to sleep.  I still wanted to be at church for 7:00am for my meeting with God, but I was worried I would show up low on sleep.   So in attempt to try to go to bed more tired, I stayed up till 9:00pm (I try to go to bed around 8:00pm) and then went to bed.  Well 10:00pm rolled around and though I was super tired and wanted to fall right to sleep, I couldn't sleep - likely because I got up at 3:30 that afternoon.   Then I heard that little whisper in my head telling me to go to the church again.  I wrestled with this for a bit, for I had been thinking about it and was replaying the words God spoke to me last time He asked me this.  I was un for sure this time if I was hearing God, or hearing my head replay God's voice from the previous time.  Finally God told me straight out that this was Him again, and I was to go to church again.  With warning and memory from last time, I prepared a bit more.   I got out of bed, showered, put warm clothes on top of my Sunday outfit and brought several blankets.   Then I headed out the door for the church parking lot, nearly 30 minutes away.  God told me that I would find rest and healing at His house, and that I did.  I had a beautiful sleep, wonderful actually.  It was gorgeous! Even though I only got 6 or 6.5 hours of sleep (where I try to get 8-9 hours every night) I felt well rested when I awoke.  I stayed warm all night and slept amazingly.

Praise and Glory be to God!!!!

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