Friday morning when I got up, I knew that I was coming down with a cold or something again. I did not feel that great, however, I felt good enough to go to church and serve in Kindergarten. Though, I told myself, that this weekend I would rest.
Saturday morning, I really felt like God was saying that this is going to be a weekend of healing, not just for me but for a lot of people. I was feeling a lot worse, but I knew a bunch of people who were really sick as well. So I asked my Facebook community to join me in prayer that this would be a weekend of healing. I then returned to bed to get some rest.
I woke up between 3:00-3:30pm on Saturday, more than 18 hours of rest, 17 of them I was asleep! None the less I started my day at 3:30pm. I ate, and then went and worked on reading my book and writing my book report. It was a very productive day.
Saturday night finally came and I didn't know if I'd be able to sleep. I still wanted to be at church for 7:00am for my meeting with God, but I was worried I would show up low on sleep. So in attempt to try to go to bed more tired, I stayed up till 9:00pm (I try to go to bed around 8:00pm) and then went to bed. Well 10:00pm rolled around and though I was super tired and wanted to fall right to sleep, I couldn't sleep - likely because I got up at 3:30 that afternoon. Then I heard that little whisper in my head telling me to go to the church again. I wrestled with this for a bit, for I had been thinking about it and was replaying the words God spoke to me last time He asked me this. I was un for sure this time if I was hearing God, or hearing my head replay God's voice from the previous time. Finally God told me straight out that this was Him again, and I was to go to church again. With warning and memory from last time, I prepared a bit more. I got out of bed, showered, put warm clothes on top of my Sunday outfit and brought several blankets. Then I headed out the door for the church parking lot, nearly 30 minutes away. God told me that I would find rest and healing at His house, and that I did. I had a beautiful sleep, wonderful actually. It was gorgeous! Even though I only got 6 or 6.5 hours of sleep (where I try to get 8-9 hours every night) I felt well rested when I awoke. I stayed warm all night and slept amazingly.
Praise and Glory be to God!!!!
My blog below is a peek inside the life God has blessed me with. I will post personal things, bible verses, memories, encouragements, funny things, questions and experiences. I welcome any, and all readers to comment on the posts. I love to hear from you, I love to hear your stories. Start conversations, share life experiences, pray for each other. - Joshua Baurer
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Saturday, October 15, 2016
An Ant Walking Through A Room
During Life Groups this past Wednesday God spent a good time talking to me:
I looked down and I saw a tiny ant walking on the carpet towards my shoe. I squished it, but God used something as small as a (now dead) ant to speak volumes to me.
I saw the floor, the carpet, as life. The stands of the material make little hills and valleys in life, but in general, it's "flat," though for the ant it's so much bigger. But the room isn't empty, it's full of people, chairs, carts, tables, etc...
I am the ant, as I walk life I will run into shoes or chair legs, seemingly huge obstacles. I so easily try to avoid dealing with them and will make a huge, too long of a trip, to go around the shoe instead of learning to climb over it and continue (the shortest path). If/when I go around I will still run into obstacles, but they will be bigger and more overwhelming and challenging because I never learned how to climb over the smaller ones. But if/when I walk through the fire and work through the pain and trial and climb over the shoe, it will be easier to climb the next, bigger obstacle. It will be easier to build upon the trust I built with God on the smaller obstacles.
If I allow them to; if I approach obstacles with fear; if I live in fear, obstacles will squish me.
I looked down and I saw a tiny ant walking on the carpet towards my shoe. I squished it, but God used something as small as a (now dead) ant to speak volumes to me.
I saw the floor, the carpet, as life. The stands of the material make little hills and valleys in life, but in general, it's "flat," though for the ant it's so much bigger. But the room isn't empty, it's full of people, chairs, carts, tables, etc...
I am the ant, as I walk life I will run into shoes or chair legs, seemingly huge obstacles. I so easily try to avoid dealing with them and will make a huge, too long of a trip, to go around the shoe instead of learning to climb over it and continue (the shortest path). If/when I go around I will still run into obstacles, but they will be bigger and more overwhelming and challenging because I never learned how to climb over the smaller ones. But if/when I walk through the fire and work through the pain and trial and climb over the shoe, it will be easier to climb the next, bigger obstacle. It will be easier to build upon the trust I built with God on the smaller obstacles.
If I allow them to; if I approach obstacles with fear; if I live in fear, obstacles will squish me.
Canada Thanksgiving Day
Monday October 10, 2016 was Canada's Thanksgiving Day. The previous day, some of Jim's family had come over for a thanksgiving meal (lunch). On Monday though, I decided to go for a drive. I felt like the Holy Spirit was prompting me to do so, and I love driving. I didn't know where I was going, but I just drove and turned where He told me to turn. I got to spend nearly the entire time praying and worshiping. I have a stack of prayer cards that exceeds 170 prayer requests and I got to go through them and pray for them. For each request I spend anywhere from 1-5 or 10 minutes praying, just depending how the Spirit leads me. I first pray for the specific request in english, then I spend a good portion of the time praying in Spirit for them and their request. I was blessed to have plenty of time to pray alone with God. I was on the road for more than 4 hours, and I drove more than 200 miles. It was a blast and I truly had a ton of fun!
The next day I did something similar on the way home from church. Except I only drove 70-100 miles. The time I have alone with God to pray for others is a HUGE blessing. I find rest in it, I find hope in it and I find joy in it. I've been hearing tons of prayer requests and I am starting to hear tons of praise reports! Here is an example that just..... just..... GOD! Someone asked me to pray that they could sell something that was going to be really hard to sell. As I was praying, the Spirit spoke through me praying that the thing would be sold that day. Later when I asked this person, they told me that that day someone had randomly came up and asked if they could look at the item (when they guy wasn't even trying to sell it yet) and they bought the item the next day! Praise and Glory to God! Only God!
The next day I did something similar on the way home from church. Except I only drove 70-100 miles. The time I have alone with God to pray for others is a HUGE blessing. I find rest in it, I find hope in it and I find joy in it. I've been hearing tons of prayer requests and I am starting to hear tons of praise reports! Here is an example that just..... just..... GOD! Someone asked me to pray that they could sell something that was going to be really hard to sell. As I was praying, the Spirit spoke through me praying that the thing would be sold that day. Later when I asked this person, they told me that that day someone had randomly came up and asked if they could look at the item (when they guy wasn't even trying to sell it yet) and they bought the item the next day! Praise and Glory to God! Only God!
Sunday, October 9, 2016
What's Going On Right Now
It feels so weird right now. So many things are changing, so many things are just different here. My head hasn't quite grasped them all yet. So much is going on, I just don't know how to comprehend it all!
First off, tonight the temperature is suppose to drop below freezing, and then by Wednesday it's suppose to jump up to 20C/70F. Such strangeness.
Second, and largely right now, It's Thanksgiving up here!?!?!? No, Thanksgiving isn't until mid November, at least. Nope, not up here in Canada. Monday October 10th 2016 is Thanksgiving Day (in Canada). I...... I don't quite have words to understand it or grasp it, but it's real and happening...... Again, strange, not what I'm use to.
Thirdly, as many people have asked me how I'm liking SLI 2, I can say I love it! 10 months ago, and friends, classmates and teachers can confirm this, I was like, "no" when it came to me being with kids. I said, "I'm not good with kids, I'm not comfortable with dealing with that. . . no" And what do you know, God changed my heart and showed me a true Gift of mine. I now spend 4-6 hours a day with kids, I am now a kindergartener assistant at a school. And the strangest thing is, I LOVE IT! Praise God! He is so Good!
Fourth, I thought that with volunteering and being at the church 50+ hours a week, I wouldn't have much time to spend with God. Boy was I wrong. Now when I think I have less time, I have found I have more time. I have found that I now value His voice more and am willing to make time. Last year, when I had plenty of time, I maybe had a half an hour or 40 minutes (including the 30 devotions time set aside in SLI). Now SLI 2 doesn't have any time set aside for that, and easily get to spend 2-4 hours a day with him, easily.
Fifth, Now that I get to spend more time with God and seek Him more, He's answering many of my questions and seekings. As I Listen to Him more, He speaks to me more. I asked Him to take me to different places for His glory, and is sure doing that. I asked Him to show me how to pray, He is doing that, and has done that. I asked Him (after being challenged by Him and a leader) to show me what He wants me to see in a book I'm reading, and He did --- PLUS He showed me the answers to a number of other questions because I was seeking to hear Him in that book. And through it all He's started a ministry of prayer in me that He's asked me to continue, and it lines right up with the callings that He has placed on my life. God is Sooo Good to me! Praise be to God!
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Prayer: There Is Power In Prayer
As I've been reading my book for SLI, Season's of Intercession by Frank Damazio, I got a little bored by it. In fact I really, really didn't like the book, it seemed dry. And I told this to Bryce but he challenged me to look at the book with a different perspective. Shortly after that, God challenged me to look at the book with a different perspective and to read the book expecting for God to speak to me through it. Boy, oh boy, did that work. I started reading it expecting to hear from God, and oh did I. He really challenged me in the area of prayer. This is an area I've been asking God about for a while, "God teach me how to pray, for all my prayers feel like I'm saying the same thing over and over again." And did He ever, but only through other people, ironically.
I was praying for someone else that He had put on my heart, and He got me really excited about praying for them. It gave me a lot of energy and excitement. He put the idea in my hear to ask all my Facebook friends if there was anything I could pray for them for. And then pray for them. I was quite pumped about this idea. But I thought that I would sleep on the thought before acting on it, just incase it was another one of those impulse things that doesn't last.
In the morning, I had the same excitement, so I began by asking everyone of my Facebook friends that were online at the moment, how I could pray for them. That gave me something to pray about on my way to church. Since then, I've been checking Facebook at different times of the day and asking every new friend that is online at the moment how I can pray for them. Only a portion of the people actually reply, but the ones that do I have the privilege to pray for. I have a growing list of 50-100 people I'm praying for right now, just from the Facebook responses.
Some people ask me why I asked them, or what I'm doing and I Happily tell them, "I believe strongly int he power of prayer, and I would love to able to use that power (that the Holy Spirit has given me) to pray for you."
I've had a number of people open up with personal things (which I will not share) and some who have very specific prayer requests. I like these the best because it can show that the person is willing to open up to have this powerful prayer used in their lives. Others just ask for the general prayer or something not too specific, which is okay too. Prayer is powerful either way.
I have a growing list of note cards that I keep with me and every time I get a new prayer request, I put it on the blank, white side of a card, and add it to the pile. Depending on the request, each card holds 1-5 different prayer requests. Then when I have a bit of spare time or I am driving, I will just read the next request on the top card and pray, both in english and in Spirit. I find it kind of humorous that Facebook has threatened me several times to restrict me from using Facebook Messaging because I've been using it so often and rapidly.
There is tremendous amount of power in prayer! I thoroughly believe that! If you have any prayer request let me know and I would love to pray for you! Either comment or FB me or send me an email ( I would love to pray for you.
I love hearing the results of prayer too. For example a friend asked me to pray that she would get a job at a job interview. Right after the interview, she thanked me for the prayers, for she got the job. I've also had some great encouragement that God is using me in more ways that I can see. I asked a certain guy on Facebook if I could pray for him (a guy in my class in High School) and he said that he is an atheist, but he thinks that my prayers will help the people in Florida, Haiti and other's affected by the hurricane. I replied and told him that I would be praying and shared a little word from God, that God had shared with me for him. He replied back, saying, "You have always impressed me as someone who truly practices what he preaches. You follow the teachings of Christ well, and for that I respect you regardless of my own personal beliefs." That right there is so encouraging. God is moving behind the scenes and is using me in His work. Praise and Glory be to God!
I was praying for someone else that He had put on my heart, and He got me really excited about praying for them. It gave me a lot of energy and excitement. He put the idea in my hear to ask all my Facebook friends if there was anything I could pray for them for. And then pray for them. I was quite pumped about this idea. But I thought that I would sleep on the thought before acting on it, just incase it was another one of those impulse things that doesn't last.
In the morning, I had the same excitement, so I began by asking everyone of my Facebook friends that were online at the moment, how I could pray for them. That gave me something to pray about on my way to church. Since then, I've been checking Facebook at different times of the day and asking every new friend that is online at the moment how I can pray for them. Only a portion of the people actually reply, but the ones that do I have the privilege to pray for. I have a growing list of 50-100 people I'm praying for right now, just from the Facebook responses.
Some people ask me why I asked them, or what I'm doing and I Happily tell them, "I believe strongly int he power of prayer, and I would love to able to use that power (that the Holy Spirit has given me) to pray for you."
I've had a number of people open up with personal things (which I will not share) and some who have very specific prayer requests. I like these the best because it can show that the person is willing to open up to have this powerful prayer used in their lives. Others just ask for the general prayer or something not too specific, which is okay too. Prayer is powerful either way.
I have a growing list of note cards that I keep with me and every time I get a new prayer request, I put it on the blank, white side of a card, and add it to the pile. Depending on the request, each card holds 1-5 different prayer requests. Then when I have a bit of spare time or I am driving, I will just read the next request on the top card and pray, both in english and in Spirit. I find it kind of humorous that Facebook has threatened me several times to restrict me from using Facebook Messaging because I've been using it so often and rapidly.
There is tremendous amount of power in prayer! I thoroughly believe that! If you have any prayer request let me know and I would love to pray for you! Either comment or FB me or send me an email ( I would love to pray for you.
I love hearing the results of prayer too. For example a friend asked me to pray that she would get a job at a job interview. Right after the interview, she thanked me for the prayers, for she got the job. I've also had some great encouragement that God is using me in more ways that I can see. I asked a certain guy on Facebook if I could pray for him (a guy in my class in High School) and he said that he is an atheist, but he thinks that my prayers will help the people in Florida, Haiti and other's affected by the hurricane. I replied and told him that I would be praying and shared a little word from God, that God had shared with me for him. He replied back, saying, "You have always impressed me as someone who truly practices what he preaches. You follow the teachings of Christ well, and for that I respect you regardless of my own personal beliefs." That right there is so encouraging. God is moving behind the scenes and is using me in His work. Praise and Glory be to God!
Listening, Driving, Praying & Doing
God is so good! As I was pulling out to the church parking lot last night for the weekend, I felt God telling me to stop and go back into the parking lot and wait a bit. He's done this a number of times, but He never tells me why until I obey him (a good life lesson right there). So i turned back and parked, and as soon as I did, the Holy Spirit reminded me that I forgot my notebook in my office. I've noticed that the Holy Spirit never lets me leave church without reminding me to get my notebook (when I forget it), for when God speaks to me, I immediately write it in my notebook.
Once I had my notebook, I had peace about driving away then. God directed me to take some different routs on the way home. He gave me plenty of prayer time and told me where to go as I prayed and drove. He at one point took me to DCSS (Discipleship Christian Secondary School; a small christian high school). At first I wasn't for sure why He had me go there. as I was pulling in the parking lot, I had the image of myself praying in front of the front doors, I immediately replied, "oh no God, I'm staying in my car. I'm not going to get out and pray in front of the school and make myself look ridiculous and embarrass myself. I'll stay in the car to pray though." God calmly replied with a smile, "whom shall you fear? Fear not for I am with you." So as I pulled in, I said the same thing to God as I drove past and I saw a picture of myself parked right up front in the middle by the doors. I told God I'll park off to the side further from the middle and the lights and people's sights. But God gave me the same reply and what do you know, I parked right in the middle, up front, right in front of the doors - in plain view of any eye looking at the parking lot.
As I got out of the car, God instructed me to walk the parking lot, up and down the rows, across every parking spot and pray in the Spirit. So I did. Then He had me walk around the building (which wasn't lit all the way around). The whole time I was here, He had me pray in the spirit, for He said that darkness was trying to (or was going to try to, or had) penetrate this place, and He wanted someone to pray it away; to bring the power of the spirit into the situation so that that place would be a light in the darkness. He had me walk on the porch and on the sidewalks and hold each door handle while praying. He had me walk all the parking lot aisles and back and forth over and over again at the entrance of the parking lot. I met two people while praying and I asked them if I could pray for them, but they both said no.
As I was pulling out, God told me to drive down and back the street ahead of me 10 times praying in the spirit (down and back was one time). So I did. By the seventh or so time, a guy (who I had asked if I could pray for him earlier, who lived on the street and had been watching me) walked out and asked me what on earth am I doing (he didn't seem too happy). I simply told him I was praying, and that seemed to satisfy him. I again asked if I could pray for him for anything, and he said, "no I'll go to church on Sunday." So I pray that God will work in his life at church on Sunday.
In all the 20-30 minute drive home from church took me about 90-100 minutes. It was well worth it. I had some great time in prayer, and got to drive a lot. God is so Good!
Once I had my notebook, I had peace about driving away then. God directed me to take some different routs on the way home. He gave me plenty of prayer time and told me where to go as I prayed and drove. He at one point took me to DCSS (Discipleship Christian Secondary School; a small christian high school). At first I wasn't for sure why He had me go there. as I was pulling in the parking lot, I had the image of myself praying in front of the front doors, I immediately replied, "oh no God, I'm staying in my car. I'm not going to get out and pray in front of the school and make myself look ridiculous and embarrass myself. I'll stay in the car to pray though." God calmly replied with a smile, "whom shall you fear? Fear not for I am with you." So as I pulled in, I said the same thing to God as I drove past and I saw a picture of myself parked right up front in the middle by the doors. I told God I'll park off to the side further from the middle and the lights and people's sights. But God gave me the same reply and what do you know, I parked right in the middle, up front, right in front of the doors - in plain view of any eye looking at the parking lot.
As I got out of the car, God instructed me to walk the parking lot, up and down the rows, across every parking spot and pray in the Spirit. So I did. Then He had me walk around the building (which wasn't lit all the way around). The whole time I was here, He had me pray in the spirit, for He said that darkness was trying to (or was going to try to, or had) penetrate this place, and He wanted someone to pray it away; to bring the power of the spirit into the situation so that that place would be a light in the darkness. He had me walk on the porch and on the sidewalks and hold each door handle while praying. He had me walk all the parking lot aisles and back and forth over and over again at the entrance of the parking lot. I met two people while praying and I asked them if I could pray for them, but they both said no.
As I was pulling out, God told me to drive down and back the street ahead of me 10 times praying in the spirit (down and back was one time). So I did. By the seventh or so time, a guy (who I had asked if I could pray for him earlier, who lived on the street and had been watching me) walked out and asked me what on earth am I doing (he didn't seem too happy). I simply told him I was praying, and that seemed to satisfy him. I again asked if I could pray for him for anything, and he said, "no I'll go to church on Sunday." So I pray that God will work in his life at church on Sunday.
In all the 20-30 minute drive home from church took me about 90-100 minutes. It was well worth it. I had some great time in prayer, and got to drive a lot. God is so Good!
Friday night was Fusion, Twenty20 (college age group) + Impact (high school age). We met at church at 7:00 pm and had a great time of fellowship, mini games (jumbo Janga, fooseball, and much more) and more. Then we went into the Impact Center for a blast-of-a time of Worship. It was super powerful. God continue to really challenge me on trusting Him FULLY. To let Him have everything, and to take it all.
After worship we headed to the lounges and received instructions and got into groups for our upcoming game. We had a half an hour to roam the whole church (in the dark) on the hunt for 12 different people hidden within the church. Some of them had challenges for us to do, other's didn't. We had to get a different symbol from each one. It was called the Amazing Hunt.
The whole night was a blast - out team of 6 only found 6 or the 12 people that were hidden. between the 10-20 teams some of the hidden people didn't even get found. Some were well hidden. It was a ton of fun! And great! God is good!
After worship we headed to the lounges and received instructions and got into groups for our upcoming game. We had a half an hour to roam the whole church (in the dark) on the hunt for 12 different people hidden within the church. Some of them had challenges for us to do, other's didn't. We had to get a different symbol from each one. It was called the Amazing Hunt.
The whole night was a blast - out team of 6 only found 6 or the 12 people that were hidden. between the 10-20 teams some of the hidden people didn't even get found. Some were well hidden. It was a ton of fun! And great! God is good!
Turn Right
Every morning on my way to church I always have a number of options on what path I can take to church. I always try to remember to ask God what path He wants me to take. "do I go straight lord, or do I turn left?" Sometimes He will tell me to take a different path, even when I forget to ask. I've known about 4 or 5 different ways I can go to church each morning. Well, at several different 4-way intersections I can go straight or turn left. For the past few weeks I've had this voice in my head saying, "turn right." I always ignore it because that is silly and makes no sense. I cant' get to church by turning right, at least not in decent time.
Friday, it was a beautiful morning, and I knew that if I took the 'turn left' option I would be privileged to see some spectacular views of God's creation. Once again that urge came, turn right. This time it was a little stronger. I protested in saying, "I don't want to miss such beautiful views this morning, they won't last for ever." But with the stronger prompting I turned right, saying "I don't know where this road leads, but I'm trusting you for direction God." And He gave me directions, "go straight here...take the next left....turn right...." etc... just one road at a time. Yes it took a lot longer, but I have to say, 'God, you know what you are doing. The views and sights of His nature on that morning in that new area, were breathtaking. It was so gorgeous. And I would of never seen it had I not listened to God. He told me that this is How I am suppose to trust Him.
It was well worth the extra time.
Friday, it was a beautiful morning, and I knew that if I took the 'turn left' option I would be privileged to see some spectacular views of God's creation. Once again that urge came, turn right. This time it was a little stronger. I protested in saying, "I don't want to miss such beautiful views this morning, they won't last for ever." But with the stronger prompting I turned right, saying "I don't know where this road leads, but I'm trusting you for direction God." And He gave me directions, "go straight here...take the next left....turn right...." etc... just one road at a time. Yes it took a lot longer, but I have to say, 'God, you know what you are doing. The views and sights of His nature on that morning in that new area, were breathtaking. It was so gorgeous. And I would of never seen it had I not listened to God. He told me that this is How I am suppose to trust Him.
It was well worth the extra time.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Hillsong: Let Hope Rise
I just watched Hillsong: Let Hope Rise (movie). It's an awesome thing! It's a whole new genre, a theater version of a Worship Experience! And I have to say WOW! Multiple times while watching it, I thought, "I would rate this movie a 10 out of a 10." And so I will, I give Hillsong: Let Hope Rise a 10 out of 10 as far as movie ratings. ----> I don't believe that I have given a movie a ten before. the Lord of the Rings' and The Hobbit's were 9's or 9.5's, but I don't think I've given a movie a ten before! God is Glorified all throughout this movie!
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
2016 Election Ballot
I've been a bit burdened lately. Monday I received my Official Election Ballot in the mail. I signed up for the Voting by mail while in a different country. I just feel a heavy weight on me as I have the ability to vote for who will lead our country next, and who will lead different areas of leadership within in the nation and all. I ask for prayer and peace and wisdom as I get to vote for the United States 2016 Presidential (and local) Elections.
A View From the Eyes of God
A week or so ago, on my way home from church, I decided to take a drive through another town, Hawksville. As I was driving many of the streets there (I drive these streets from time to time) I once again saw a cemetery, as I have seen many times before. I've always wanted to stop and go through the cemetery for fun, because it interests me, but I've never had the time to do so. However, this time I had the time and I really felt the peace of God saying that I should. So I started walking around the older tombstones, fascinated by many of them. But as I was making my way across the property, I suddenly felt the Spirit of God on me in a heavy way. I looked around and saw families standing over old and new tombstones crying, I saw glimpses of many funeral burials and funeral processions. I saw many people, some broken, some sad, some just there because they felt obligated to be there. I saw the before and after of the burial. I saw people coming after the funeral to visit the place of burial. I saw families coming and going. Then I saw a spiritual view of it all; people who were sad that they lost a loved one, yet rejoicing for the joy they had in Jesus; people who were sad and broken, yet confused by the idea they the dead person was saved by Christ; and people who were sad and broken, and were crushed and torn away, rotting and shaking in their Spiritual lifeless bodies.
I saw the hopes of people. I saw that some saw a graveyard as a place to come morn for the dead and to live in the past, whereas others came to remember and respect their elders, but then leave and live in the present. I saw the cemetery being "built" and sections being added on. I saw the stages of life in this world; I saw the life that no one knew was in there. I saw the gravestones and the peoples spirits that were once in those bodies. I saw brokenness, lifelessness and pain. I saw hurting, confusion and un-earthly feelings. But then I saw others, other's tombs and saw their joy and peace, for they were with Christ, and had a personal relationship with Him. I saw those who had a relationship with Him, and those who actively pursued a growing, deepening relationship with Him. In those I saw great joy and love. But the tombs of joy were numbered few. Most were hurting and lost. Most were lifeless and crying out, crying out for someone to help them, to take them from their agony. I saw the pain and brokenness of those who were buried here and those who have visited here.
I read the words of the different stones and saw meaning and intentions behind them. Most were typical phrases that were placed out of the "hope" that their loved one was in a better place or that they were something here on earth. Yet a small few were rooted in true life and joy. Some who saw the meaning of the loved one's life here, and yet saw the so much greater life they had ahead of them. The Holy Spirit showed me those who were saved and those who were not.
I was overcome by the immense brokenness in that place. I saw so much brokenness. I saw so many lost, who did not hear the love of Christ. Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me telling me, "don't let my children die not knowing me. Bring them to my love, show them me. Don't let anymore of my children go to the grave not knowing me." - A continuation of previous words He has spoken to me. He told me to lead his people out of darkness, to lead them in His light to Him. That I was chosen to be one of His vessels.
The whole time it was saddening and glorious at the same time. There was life and lostness at the same time. Love and death. Pace and pain. Confusion and laughter. Crying and jumping.
Then I came to a tree, a big, old tree in the cemetery. I saw it as Christ. His is rooted here and reaches out His branches to cover us, but not everyone comes under the covering. And some that do come under the covering do no know Him.
At one point I was standing in the very back of the cemetery and I saw a man walking His dog around the path. I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to go ask him if I could pray for him. I procrastinated. As he was walking a bit closer to me, I started walking toward him, but the way it worked out was, it seemed, that he saw me as following him. I was standing in the back until he came up and them I am following him???? - that seems a bit suspicious. His pace seemed to quicken and he eyed me often. So I made my path angle a bit towards my car. He then left the cemetery and I missed my chance to talk to him - all because I procrastinated.
After a bit, I was again asking for forgiveness for not obeying God right away, and he told me to turn left out of the cemetery, so I drove left. Then he kept having me make right turns - the whole time I'm looking for that guy, to see If I can still talk to him - there was no sign of him. After several right turns I was facing the cemetery again and I saw a lady doing some work on the greenery outside her house and I thought to stop and ask her If I can pray for her. As I was pulling up, she was finishing up and heading in, but I stopped just in time and had a good chat with her.
I saw the hopes of people. I saw that some saw a graveyard as a place to come morn for the dead and to live in the past, whereas others came to remember and respect their elders, but then leave and live in the present. I saw the cemetery being "built" and sections being added on. I saw the stages of life in this world; I saw the life that no one knew was in there. I saw the gravestones and the peoples spirits that were once in those bodies. I saw brokenness, lifelessness and pain. I saw hurting, confusion and un-earthly feelings. But then I saw others, other's tombs and saw their joy and peace, for they were with Christ, and had a personal relationship with Him. I saw those who had a relationship with Him, and those who actively pursued a growing, deepening relationship with Him. In those I saw great joy and love. But the tombs of joy were numbered few. Most were hurting and lost. Most were lifeless and crying out, crying out for someone to help them, to take them from their agony. I saw the pain and brokenness of those who were buried here and those who have visited here.
I read the words of the different stones and saw meaning and intentions behind them. Most were typical phrases that were placed out of the "hope" that their loved one was in a better place or that they were something here on earth. Yet a small few were rooted in true life and joy. Some who saw the meaning of the loved one's life here, and yet saw the so much greater life they had ahead of them. The Holy Spirit showed me those who were saved and those who were not.
I was overcome by the immense brokenness in that place. I saw so much brokenness. I saw so many lost, who did not hear the love of Christ. Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me telling me, "don't let my children die not knowing me. Bring them to my love, show them me. Don't let anymore of my children go to the grave not knowing me." - A continuation of previous words He has spoken to me. He told me to lead his people out of darkness, to lead them in His light to Him. That I was chosen to be one of His vessels.
The whole time it was saddening and glorious at the same time. There was life and lostness at the same time. Love and death. Pace and pain. Confusion and laughter. Crying and jumping.
Then I came to a tree, a big, old tree in the cemetery. I saw it as Christ. His is rooted here and reaches out His branches to cover us, but not everyone comes under the covering. And some that do come under the covering do no know Him.
At one point I was standing in the very back of the cemetery and I saw a man walking His dog around the path. I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to go ask him if I could pray for him. I procrastinated. As he was walking a bit closer to me, I started walking toward him, but the way it worked out was, it seemed, that he saw me as following him. I was standing in the back until he came up and them I am following him???? - that seems a bit suspicious. His pace seemed to quicken and he eyed me often. So I made my path angle a bit towards my car. He then left the cemetery and I missed my chance to talk to him - all because I procrastinated.
After a bit, I was again asking for forgiveness for not obeying God right away, and he told me to turn left out of the cemetery, so I drove left. Then he kept having me make right turns - the whole time I'm looking for that guy, to see If I can still talk to him - there was no sign of him. After several right turns I was facing the cemetery again and I saw a lady doing some work on the greenery outside her house and I thought to stop and ask her If I can pray for her. As I was pulling up, she was finishing up and heading in, but I stopped just in time and had a good chat with her.
A Night With God, At His House - In my Car
The twelve hours from Saturday evening to Sunday Morning were so strange. Saturday night I went to bed at 8:00 pm (as I've been doing lately), excited that I could get nearly 10 hours of sleep and still make it for my 7:00 am appointment at the church. As I've been doing lately also is playing Good, Good Father on a cycle of 7 times, and before I normally get through the 2nd or 3rd time, I am asleep. Well this time was different. I went through all 7. . . and then I went through all 7 again. Being still tired and asking God to give me sleep, I went back to what I use to do, a playlist of 22 different worship songs. That didn't work either - a few songs into it I kept getting the thought to try what my dad had suggested, play a sermon podcast. So I started one, but soon said to myself, "this won't work." I went back and was about to change to a worship song, when Pastor Robert Morris (from Gateway Church) on the podcast stated his title of the sermon. It caught my attention so much, I said, "I want to hear this." So I left the podcast playing, hopping that I would fall asleep partway through it. Well, half way through it, I didn't want to fall asleep until I finished the podcast. At the end of the podcast, God started to speak to me about what pastor Robert Morris was saying. When it was over, I played a worship song. I was still really tired, but I just couldn't fall asleep. It was nearly 10:00 pm now.
I suddenly felt a feeling saying, "go to church." Strange.... I tried to ignore it but it kept returning. I kept saying, "this is a crazy idea my mind has come up with that I'm trying to decide if it's God or not!?" This is crazy. (Side Note: I've been really working with God lately to learn how to tell the difference be the voice in my head and God's voice, and He's been testing me with it a lot). Finally, I said, "God if this is you let me know, but this is crazy." He replied, "Go to church, I will meet you there." I'm like, "well technically, your everywhere." "I will meet you at church." He replied. I said again, "this seems foolish, it is just silly." I was immediately reminded of a direct word from God earlier this year, "It may seem silly, but I said to do it." So I got up and as I was told to, put on some warm clothing, (and packed a few extra jackets just in case) and packed a pillow and left (all the while trying to confirm with God if I was doing the right thing). I had peace the whole time. The way to church, God really spoke to me - His presence was very present in the car there.
When I got to church I parked where He told me to and I just felt that I would be spending the night there. So I laid my seat back and got out my pillow. As I was laying back, I asked God, "So why am I really here?" His reply came right away, "Because you heard my voice. I said I would meet you here and you came." He continued with, "You will find rest in my voice, you will find rest in my presence." Shortly after I fell asleep - after more than 2 hours of trying everything I've ever done to fall asleep, I followed God's seemingly crazy voice, and I fall asleep just like that. Praise God!
No, I didn't have the best night, but my sleep was Wonderful. Yes, I woke up who know how many times because of both my position and being really cold, but each little snippet of sleep, was wonderful. In the morning I was well rested. God said He would give me rest, and He did. God is Good All the Time!
I woke up to my alarm around 4:45 am. I then asked God, should I head home to shower, shave, comb my hair and brush my teeth and eat now, or should I sleep another 2 hours, miss our appointment, and go to McDonald's and pick up a comb, hair gel, toothbrush and toothpaste at Walmart? He told me to do the latter. So I got a lot more sleep - though When I woke to my alarm, I really had to use the bathroom. When He told me to sleep, I said, God if you want me to sleep, you can hold my bladder until I get to a bathroom - and He did. He's soo Good!
I suddenly felt a feeling saying, "go to church." Strange.... I tried to ignore it but it kept returning. I kept saying, "this is a crazy idea my mind has come up with that I'm trying to decide if it's God or not!?" This is crazy. (Side Note: I've been really working with God lately to learn how to tell the difference be the voice in my head and God's voice, and He's been testing me with it a lot). Finally, I said, "God if this is you let me know, but this is crazy." He replied, "Go to church, I will meet you there." I'm like, "well technically, your everywhere." "I will meet you at church." He replied. I said again, "this seems foolish, it is just silly." I was immediately reminded of a direct word from God earlier this year, "It may seem silly, but I said to do it." So I got up and as I was told to, put on some warm clothing, (and packed a few extra jackets just in case) and packed a pillow and left (all the while trying to confirm with God if I was doing the right thing). I had peace the whole time. The way to church, God really spoke to me - His presence was very present in the car there.
When I got to church I parked where He told me to and I just felt that I would be spending the night there. So I laid my seat back and got out my pillow. As I was laying back, I asked God, "So why am I really here?" His reply came right away, "Because you heard my voice. I said I would meet you here and you came." He continued with, "You will find rest in my voice, you will find rest in my presence." Shortly after I fell asleep - after more than 2 hours of trying everything I've ever done to fall asleep, I followed God's seemingly crazy voice, and I fall asleep just like that. Praise God!
No, I didn't have the best night, but my sleep was Wonderful. Yes, I woke up who know how many times because of both my position and being really cold, but each little snippet of sleep, was wonderful. In the morning I was well rested. God said He would give me rest, and He did. God is Good All the Time!
I woke up to my alarm around 4:45 am. I then asked God, should I head home to shower, shave, comb my hair and brush my teeth and eat now, or should I sleep another 2 hours, miss our appointment, and go to McDonald's and pick up a comb, hair gel, toothbrush and toothpaste at Walmart? He told me to do the latter. So I got a lot more sleep - though When I woke to my alarm, I really had to use the bathroom. When He told me to sleep, I said, God if you want me to sleep, you can hold my bladder until I get to a bathroom - and He did. He's soo Good!
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Sadly Ture, Time to Change
Picture yourself in the following situation. As you pull into your driveway and get out of your car, you see movement inside your house. Your family is with you in the car, so you know thieves are breaking into your house! You run to the neighbor's house and call the police. Anxiously you wait, hoping they arrive before the thieves leave with your valuables. Down the street you hear the sirens. Police cars screech to a halt in front of your house. Officers jump out of their cars and run to the curb, where they line up and begin to sing. Sing?
You listen closely. They are singing about how they have the authority to stop the robbers and how they can regain your possessions. Meanwhile the thieves rob you blind. *
This is often a picture of the Church today. We sing about attacking the enemy, we talk about it, preach about ti, but we do not actually do it.
We must put action behind our words and intentions-we must attack the enemy!
*Dean Sherman
- Frank Damazio, Seasons of Intercession
You listen closely. They are singing about how they have the authority to stop the robbers and how they can regain your possessions. Meanwhile the thieves rob you blind. *
This is often a picture of the Church today. We sing about attacking the enemy, we talk about it, preach about ti, but we do not actually do it.
We must put action behind our words and intentions-we must attack the enemy!
*Dean Sherman
- Frank Damazio, Seasons of Intercession
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