Monday, November 30, 2015

Not Feeling Well

Well, my health wasn't the best this morning, it seemed a tad, just a tad better than last night - I wasn't coughing at every breath.  But I still felt miserable. So I stayed home form SLI sick today.  It's kind of a suspicious day for me to stay home sick.  Bryce is in Class today doing budgeting, and he made it very clear that we were not to come to SLI today if our budget wasn't up-to-date.  I told him that I was sick and stuff and he seemed okay with that.

I was able to get a lot of rest though.  Other than getting up at 7:10am and Going back to bed around 7:45am, I got up at 1:15pm today. I got to bed last night about 11:30, so I got about 13 hours of sleep.  When I got up, I only got up to use the bathroom (in the last 40 hours I have drunk more than 7 water bottles and 6 full cups of water - in attempt to help with my cough).  But when I came up, Laura offered to make me some Fresh Lemon and Honey tea to help with my sore throat.  That helped  a lot I must say. It took a while to get it all down, it was very tart for it's just hot water, 1 squeezed lemon and a couple teaspoons of honey mixed together.  As I was finishing up, Laura made me a sandwich for lunch - Thank you Laura, it was very good and helpful.

I am hoping that I will be healthy enough to go to Christmas in Concert practice tonight, but I don't know for sure.  Please continue praying that God will heal my body.

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