Monday, November 30, 2015

Sunday Craziness

Sunday Morning:

Praise God once again! He gave me peace when teaching the Preschoolers.  It actually went pretty well, I used some props (scroll, confetti, little stuffed people, and some little toys) that really helped keeps kids attention. There were lots of kids rolling all over the place and not paying attention, not to mention the 2 or 3 kids either sitting or playing in the back of the room.  But over all it went quite well. God has given me some joy with helping these little preschoolers, and even though I came into the class (4 weeks ago) dreading it, I now am very sad that this was my last week with them.  I would love to help out more with them.  In December I will be doing the Cafe.

Sunday Afternoon:

Second service ended around 12:30 and I quickly went back to the SLI room to eat my lunch. Why? Because Christmas in Concert practice stated at 1:00.  For Christmas in Concert (a Christmas show Koinonia does for anyone who wants to come - its free- it's like Koinonia's Christmas Card to the Community) I am a Stage Hand. My job consists mostly of running things (stools, mic stands, chairs, risers, etc...) on and off the stage between each song/section.  I am part of 3 who do this. Another one of my SLI classmates is also a Stage Hand, but she has been dubbed the Queen of the Mics.  She is in charge of all the mic stuff. Everyone that goes on stage has to get a different assigned Mic Pack number, Mic In-Ear cord number, and Mic number.  She runs all of that.

Sunday Evening:

Twenty20: Koinonia's Collage age group.  We had our Twenty20 Christmas Party.  It was a very formal party I would have to say.  Us SLI's got to attend this party instead of help out, though we got to help clean up afterwards.  The had a meal catered (us SLI's got our $20 ticked paid for us - part of our tuition) and the food was oh so good.  Fabulous!  Oh, and the huge chunk of Cheese Cake we got for desert was beyond good expression.

Sunday as a whole:

My health wasn't the greatest on Sunday.  By the time the Twenty20 Christmas party rolled around I had a pretty nasty cough. By the end of the night, every time I breathed out I had to cough - it was miserable (especially during the speech and prayer at the end by Brian, Twenty20's leader).    

1 comment:

  1. So cool to read how God helped you have peace and even to ENJOY working with the little kids!! :-)


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