Okay, once again it's been awhile since I last updated my blog here. I had a very busy and overwhelming week (largely because of my own procrastination).
Sunday November 8th,
I served in Preschool during the first service. I 'taught' the memory verse to them. Thankfully it went okay. The kids were very quiet though. Even the other more regular teachers said they were unusually quiet. This made doing the memory verse a bit harder but thankfully the main teacher 'chipped' in and helped me out. After that it was better.
Monday and Tuesday November 9th and 10th,
In SLI we did a video series of a guy doing some teaching. I was very interesting, but not much else happened, at least on Monday.
Tuesday November 10th,
After SLI my procrastination for the past two weeks hit me hard. I realized that I had two days to finish reading the remaining 80 or so pages in my book and write a five-page book report on it. So I spent quite a few hours finishing reading the book.
Wednesday November 11th,
Morning: Breakthrough Results. Breakthrough is the international Brain Aptitude Test that we did two weeks ago. They guy who gave it to us, Matthew - also a former SLI and now at Koinonia, came in and for nearly four hours gave our results back and explained them (I will share the results shortly). I also brought a large double batch of Fruit Salsa and Cinnamon Sugar Chips.
Afternoon: I spent the entire afternoon working on my book report that was due first thing Thursday morning. We have been told that if you don't have your book report done for class, don't show up for class.
Evening: Daniel and I had to leave around 6:00 pm to go to church and we didn't get home till a little after 9:00 pm. Church was great though. I was serving at the Info Center, which I basically stand at the center and do nothing. Except from time to time there are quite a few people who will want to buy tickets for some of the upcoming events at the church. Then is when I have to do a bit of work. My Life Group, called My Ready Defense, was really good too.
Night: I stayed up till about 11:30 pm finishing my report, and was grateful to finally have it finished. Daniel, as usual, took a different tactic. Since he works better in the morning, when we got home from church he went straight to bed and got up at 4:00 am in the morning to finish his paper.
Thursday November 12th,
8:30 am to 8:45 am: I helped get the snacks ready for child care for another Life Group (that is Thursday Mornings for women only) as I have doe the past number of weeks. This week however The leader had me hang up a giant poster of Goliath. This poster, the teacher made herself, was life size at 9+ feet tall. I had to stand on a small stepladder and stand on my tippy toes to be able to hang it without it curling up at the bottom - it was actually pretty cool.
8:45 am to 9:30 am: Daniel and I did check-in, which is we check in all the kids of moms who are in the Life Group.
9:30 am to 11:00 am: Daniel and I went through our next session of Wild at Heart (with Brian Ferguson) while the girls were at the Life Group.
11:00 am to 11:15-ish am: Daniel and I sat and talked with Brian and ate food while we waited for the Life Group to finish.
11:15-ish am to 11:30 am: Daniel and I went into the room where the Life Group was and stacked and put away chairs and tables.
11:30 am to 12:30 pm: The SLI class discussed with a teacher/speaker our book and turned in our book reports.
Friday November 13th (Jonathan's Birthday),
From 8:30 am to 2:00 pm we were at DCSS (which is basically KCA's - Koinonia's School - old High School) for Axis Day. A group from the States called Axis came and gave a presentation about all sorts of things to a large group of 6th through 12th graders (we attended also). They were very engaging speakers.
After Axis, I dropped Daniel off at the church so he could work on his Preschool craft for this Sunday, then I drove Amanda home and wen to the dollar store to get some tennis balls for my Preschool craft this Sunday (I am doing craft first service and Daniel is doing the craft second Service). While I was in line for check out I noticed a looney (Canadian $1 coin) on the ground next to the guy in front of me. So I picked it up and gave it to him, he thanked me and then left. When I was checking out my purchase was more than what cash I had on me, and since my Debit card is American, their machine wouldn't accept it. So I told them to take one of the bags of tennis balls out and I will just pay cash for the rest. However when the new total came up I was 17 cents short. Thankfully the woman behind me paid it for me. The the cashier said to me that I did someone nice for the man in front of me and therefore the woman behind me did something nice for me. It made my day.
Then I drove back to the church and spent the rest of the afternoon there working on my craft with Daniel. When 7:00 pm rolled around we packed up our stuff and went to Impact (the High School youth gathering at the Church).
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