Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Missions Trip Details

So, a few weeks ago I told you all that I was going on a missions trip to Guatemala and Honduras.  Today our class was given a bit more information on the financial aspect of it.  Below is a general summarization of what is going on (more details about the trip are coming):


I, Joshua Baurer, am in this ten month internship program, Servant Leadership Institute (SLI) at Koinonia Christian Fellowship. My class and I well be participating in a service trip to Guatemala and Honduras for the first two weeks of March next year (we leave late February).  The trip is designed to be a time a learning and sharing as a team in a cross-cultural setting. We will have the opportunity to experience church in various settings, and see various ways Christ's mission is being expressed in these two Central American Nations.

 As we prepare for this trip, would like to ask you to consider supporting me and my class in prayer, giving financially, engaging some of the issues and challenges of our missionary partners, and helping us get the word out about our class and our trip next year.

The trip cost is $2,300 (per person) of which I have already committed $1,000 of my personal funds through the SLI program.  It includes all our travel, lodging and transportation costs as well as a contribution to ongoing ministry in each of the countries we are visiting. All of the funds are due January 11, 2016 and any size gift is valuable and appreciated.


If you feel God pressing your heart for you to help me financially on this journey, please email me and I will tell you the support options.  Thank you.


I will inform you of any more details as soon as I get them.

Also, if you would like the official Support letter along with the Information for Supporting sheet, email me your address and I will mail you a copy (or email, which ever you prefer).


  1. Please give us more information on how to support you. You know we are all pretty jealous of you getting to go to Guatemala!!

  2. Send info to me by email, por favor!


Please Share your thoughts, questions, and prayer requests....