Below are the results of my Brain Aptitude test, Breakthroughs in Leaning. I am not adding nor subtracting things from this. This is a text version of what he gave me along with the notes that I took from what he said that apply to my results.
1 & 2 = Not doing well
3 = Delayed
4 = Low Average
5 = Average
6 = High Average
7 = Superior
8 & 9 = Gifted Range (a 9 is in the top four percentile of people - top 4%)
Rating What Skill or Thing Notes
Communication Skills - through eyes and ears, sometimes hands; take information in; etc...
4 - Eye Tracking - Don't do data stuff, likely will make mistakes
7 - Organization of Thought (the ability to organize in my head) - (clean my room); Can lead to perfectionism; Goes with Organization of Environment (below)
9 - Spacial Skill (3D, engineering, interior designing) - Legos, Coping skills -> can cause lots of stress
6 - Spacial Skill (ability to apply knowledge) - analyze, application, connection with rules
7 - Ability to Recognize Letter Patterns - spelling, pattens in letters
9 - Ability to Recognize Number Patterns - add, subtract, multiply, divide; accounting; engineering
6 - Vocabulary Comprehension - words that I understand
5 - Math Vocabulary Comprehension
7 - Comprehension of Relationship Between Words - desire for social contact -> not good working alone; need people
9 - Listing Comprehension (ability to take in extended verbal communication) - Goes with Creativity and Fluency with Ideas (below)
Memories (Storage is what I can put into my brain, Retrieval is How well I can retrieve what I put in my brain)
7 - Short Term memory
9 - Long Term Visual Memory (Storage) - stores long term memory
5 - Long Term Visual Memory (Retrieval) - pulls out of long term memory; very difficult for long term studying
9 - Auditory Memories (Storage) - facts
9 - Auditory Memories (Retrieval)
6 - Inferential Memory - used for unconnected pieces of information; abstract memory; leadership memory
8 - Judgement Skills* - making quick decisions; instant evaluations; ability to quickly and easily make decisions and spot differences; high Judgement Skills needed for a good entrepreneur; Goes with Brain's Willingness to take Risk (below)
4 - Organization of Environment - (can be an indicator of my self esteem); Goes with Organization of Thought (above)
8 - Personal Boundaries - ability to how I relate with others
9 - Numerical Ambiguity (The Ability to Read Between the Lines with Numbers) - ability to deal with the unknown -> numbers, jobs; engineering, politics, etc...
Problem Solving
9 - Speed of Productivity - based on two things: 1. I fully understand what I am doing and 2. its over a short period of time
9 - Speed of Processing - how quickly does my brain process things
6 - Speed of Word Recognition
9 - Brain's Willingness to take Risk* - may cause me to skip the judgement process; Goes with Judgement Skills (above)
Creativity Skills - Divergent thinking
9 - Creativity and Fluency with Ideas - very likely to daydream; abstract; can cause me to be very distracted; Goes with Listing Comprehension (above)
8 - Creativity and Fluency with Words - good at writing essays and such -> should be easier to do
8 - Self Expectation (Where I Expect I will Preform) - I won't always be able to meet my expectations; control my thought life -> negative thoughts can harm my brain physically (scientifically proven); Is my expectation reasonable? Is it realistic?; can hurt my self esteem
*Judgement Skills (8) and Brain's Willingness to take Risk (9): This example show what is happens with a High Judgement Skill and what happens with an even Higher Brain's Willingness to take Risk:
This is fascinating! And echos the same 'advantages' the book said about Dyslexic students (what I was telling you about over the phone)