Friday, October 2, 2015

Upcoming: One Moment in Canada, the Next in Texas

Today, well this morning at least, I was in the first and second grade classroom. Normally there is only one SLI student per classroom, but this time there two of us (because the 5th and 6th graders were on a field trip).  Anyways Ariel (The other SLI) was 'playing' learning games with the kids at first while I was doing some preparations for the teacher.  About half the time I was doing prep for the teacher; about 1/4 of the time I was walking around the classroom checking the kids math work, and some of the remainder time I was supervising/helping kids do their fall craft. Oh... and I also took each of the classes (grade 1 and grade 2) to do what they call "Space Walk."  It's basically hopping on each foot and coordinating 'brain-to-foot' movements and such.  Thankfully I didn't bring a coat (it is in the 30's outside) because the teacher thought it would be too cold for me to do it outside and instead sent me into the gym to do it.

Since about 12:30pm, which is when SLI ends, I haven't been doing much: reading some of our 2nd book, eating lunch, and playing around with the giant 2 foot balloons in our SLI room. It is now about 2:30 My Time, 1:30 Illinois Time, and we leave in about 30-45 minutes for Texas.

I am really looking forward for this coming Monday for two reasons:

1. The Gateway Conference starts
2. The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies Extended Edition comes out on DVD (and I plan on getting it ASAP).


  1. I'm loving your Blog Josh. Make sure you give us your recommendations on The Hobbit. Did we tell you that we finally watched all of the "Lord of the Rings" movies.

  2. Hope it's a great conference for you! I still haven't seen The Hobbit, even though it's my favorite (and only) book of the LOR trilogy that I've read! :-)


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