Sunday, October 11, 2015

Cleaning, Reading, and Watching


Well since I didn't really get home and in bed till about 1:30 am Saturday morning, I turned off all of my alarms so that could sleep in. And I would have to say, it was one of the first times I was actually able to sleep in, and I got more sleep than any other night I have had in Canada. I got up at 12:30 pm. and I really enjoyed sleeping 11 hours.

Right after getting up I was put to work, along with the rest of the family, cleaning the house for our Thanksgiving company. I know it is really weird, Thanksgiving is way too early here (Tomorrow, Monday October 12th).  Anyways, I was given the job of cleaning and sweeping the garage. I now appreciate a small garage, it goes so much quicker and is a lot easier.

After cleaning I again drove out to the same spot out in the middle of nowhere to read my book. I was out there for about 3 hours, maybe a little more.  My laptop battery ran out a few pages into the last chapter, so I had to finish with out the audio. This was easier than I thought, because I ended up just skimming the remaining of the chapter because almost the entire chapter was just all of the previous chapters summarized with exercises to do with each - Why didn't they tell me that at the beginning of the book, I would't have had to read the whole book? :)   But it was a very good book (The Compassionate Samurai by Brian Klemmer).  If you want to know more about it let me know and I will show you my book report on the 5 key points on it.

After supper, we sat down in the living room and watched Interstellar (though it was only Laura, Leah and I, Julia was baby sitting, Daniel went to bed and Jim was out doing something. He came in and watched some of it I think, but then went to bed early).  It was, again, lots of fun. To my great surprise, Laura rated it a 7 out of 10 (with 10 being the best movie ever).

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