Monday, October 5, 2015

God Using Gateway to Speak to Me

Sunday evening, Gateway Church:

This experience was one of the most powerful experiences I have had.  The Holy Spirit was moving in that place, God was there.  It started off with some moving worship and prayer. Once the Speaker took the stage he started off on his message. Though after his second point, he stopped and shared a powerful experience he had at another church, and it was such a powerful experience, that it affected the whole place last night.  After he finished sharing, I don’t have any memory of any instructions, I just remember him stopping and there was silence.  People started to pray and the Holy Spirit moved in the assembly. I felt as though God had entered the building and I couldn’t face Him.  I know that I am unworthy and I hear people all the time saying “we are so unworthy,” but I have never actually felt so unworthy until now.  God’s presence shows that we can’t even face Him, I wanted to hide from His light, for I didn’t feel worthy enough to even be in His light.  In my mind I say Jesus, truly shining like the sun and robes white as snow, His face and the details of his garments were almost blurred from my vision like they were out of focus.  Again, I know that He loves me and all that, but it became so much more real in His presence.  He called me by name several times, that alone brought more tears of joy and I felt even more loved.  He said to me “Come” and all the while I kept saying “I am so unworthy.” He continued to speak to me saying, “you are my child,” “you are a child of God.”  This struck me even more because we had just sung a song that really stuck out to me, the lines were:

            I am all God says I am
            I am all God says I am
            I am all God says I am
            And God says I am His own

            I am no longer a slave to fear
            I am a Child of God

He knew just how to speak to me and He did it right.   Praise God!


  1. oh, Joshua --- I'm crying as I read this (tears of joy :-). How aboundantly He has/is anwering my prayers for you! He is so good!! And how great is His love to you! --Mom--

  2. Wow, Joshua--I love that you had this powerful experience! I pray that this will always be a very personal "memory" that you can refer back to in lonely times.

  3. Praise you Jesus! Thanks for sharing Joshua.
    Aunt Jill

  4. Your posts are a blessing, Joshua!


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