Monday, October 26, 2015

Overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit

Sunday Evening: Twenty20

Ohh my. The church I am going to up here in Canada, has a belief that no church that I have ever been to has taught. They believe in the speaking of tongues and that everyone can tongues.  They believe that there are two baptisms, a water baptism and a Holy Spirit baptism.  I have grown up only believing and knowing about one baptism, and it has challenged me a lot up here.  I’ve questioned “what if there is a second baptism? Have I been baptized in the Holy Spirit?”

Until Sunday night…

I now believe in two baptisms. And if I hadn’t been baptized in the Holy Spirit before, I am now. 

Last night at the college-age ‘program’ at Koinonia (twenty20), God’s presence what there.  After the speaker spoke on forgiveness, he opened the room up to a time of prayer with God.  Hearts were opened and God was moving.   Something (I believe it was the Holy Spirit) came over me and I was overwhelmed.  I felt as though I was being prompted to say something to God, but what I was prompted to say sounded completely like gibberish to my ears.  Even though it was od, I felt as though the Holy Spirit desperately wanted me to speak this to God, and so I started speaking.  Through this I felt as though God was speaking to me.  I  continued speaking this “Spirit language” and praising in God.

After a bit, my fingers started to tingle and I got almost a mix between light headed and a strange headache.   Then I felt a pressure on top of me, a weight that was quite heavy.  The weight pushed me down on to my chair (we were all standing up), and I felt God continuing to move.  As a bowed down and prayed, I separated my hands as if I were allowing God to freely enter.  Through more prayer, praise and speaking in ‘these tongues,’ I felt my fingers tingling greatly, and I lost feeling in the tips of them.  My hands felt like they were holding magnets because they felt as thought they were being pulled together. And every time I tried to pull them back apart it was like pulling two strong magnets apart.   I suddenly became very cool, and chilled (every time in past experiences I become very cool/cold and a chill continually will run through me when the presence of God is strong).  My body began to shake; my muscles shook and jumped randomly, continually and uncontrollably.  As I was speaking in tongues the Holy Spirit told me that I was speaking out my life and sins to God, that I was giving it all to Him, I was letting him hear it all from me.  I had no idea what exactly I was saying, but I knew that God was hearing it.  I felt a wave of peace as I was saying these things, and afterwards I felt great joy along with the peace.  During all this, the guy next to me put his hand on me and immediately, God told me that He has His hand on me, He as all control, He is there. He spoke to me saying different things through this whole experience.  Now I have no doubt that I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. Praise God!


  1. Wow! Praise the LORD! This is so exciting to read!! (thanks for writing it out)

  2. So excited for you Joshua! I rejoice that God is moving so strongly in your life!

  3. Thanks for sharing, Joshua! Love to hear of Gods work!

  4. A great detailed descrption of what you were feeling and experiencing!

  5. Praise the Lord! I'm blessed at your openness in sharing. I've had some similar experiences with the Lord which have been great blessings in my life.


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