Sunday, October 11, 2015

Late Night and Next Morning


Well since I had slept in so late on Saturday, I was unable to go to sleep Saturday night, and so I got up and worked on my book report until about 1:30 am - my stink'n laptop time is still on Illinois time and always makes me think that it is an hour earlier than it really is.  Knowing that I had to get up around 6:00 am that morning, I asked God to bless my sleep and I asked him to help me get up in the morning and be refreshed. I also ask him to give my body more sleep than my physical body was about to get.

God answered my prayer. I had no trouble getting up after only 4 1/2 hours of sleep (That never happens even when I get 8 hours of sleep - I normally go through 3-4 alarms ever morning).  Not only that, but I felt refreshed and I haven't been any more tired than normal, in fact I felt a lot less tired in church this morning.

In second Service I helped out in the Kindergarten class. I, again, am not too thrilled with working with 'kids' but I do have to do it.  Afterwards, I was told that It is normally a lot less crazy and a lot less stressful. I hope they are right. I am no looking forward to next week though, they are having me introduce and teach the kids a new memory verse.

This afternoon, I am writing all this on my blog, and will be working on my book report some more.  I have twenty20 tonight, which is basically a college group - like The Cabin for college age people.

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