So Amazon has a thing now called Givaways. I've been entering these givaways over and over again. Some don't require you to do any to enter, others require you to post something or follow them on Twitter (which I opened an empty account just for this), yet others ask that you take a 1-question poll or watch a 30 second video to enter. Anyways the odds for each "prize" ranges depending on what the giver has set it too. I've seen as low as a few hundred to one and as high as nearly 8,000 to one. After many entries I finally won something (below). I don't know what I'm going to do with them, maybe gift them or something. A week or two ago I gave up on the Giveaways as I found that I wasted way too many hours entering literally thousands of them without winning a thing. Yesterday I decided that I had some extra time so I entered some more and won these gloves (below) - they were a 1 in 800 chance of winning. I then proceded to waste too much time again trying to win something I could use or something else to give. I wouldn't say that it's necessarily worth it, as the result hasn't come out greater than the cost, for me at least.
I think it's a sign you should start lifting weights :-)