Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Flashing Lights

Last night on my way home from class, I was in a peaceful mood of just cruising (not real cruising) but just about five miles an hour under the speed limit.  On the half hour dive home I have a great and peaceful time with God, just praying and talking with Him.  Several times I had people right on my bumper, but they would just pass me then.  Except as I was coming into town, I had a guy right on my bumper and he didn't pass me.  My initial reaction is to get upset, nervous, angry and frustrated why he has to ride on my bumper instead of passing me.  But I keep having to work on that and remind myself that I don't need to worry about that.  I've been there before and I know that there are lots of reasons that I'm not thinking of that he could be there.  I don't know what he's going through or if he's even paying attention.   He is not me.   So I went back to my talk with God.  I don't remember exactly what I was saying, but it was along the lines of, "God I give it all to you.  I'm not going to worry about anything, instead I will give it all to you.  I trust where you are leading me and I give that to you.  I give to you what you are doing in my life.  I trust you in whatever you bring."  (like I said I don't remember exactly what I said, but it was along those lines).  Anyways as soon as I said that last part, the exact moment that I said the last word, I immediately noticed in my rear view mirror, white, red and blue flashing lights.  The guy on my bumper was a cop.  Hahaha.  It just made me laugh at the timing of this.

The cop came up and asked me where I live and where I'm going.  I told him I live about a mile and a half up the road and I am coming from school.  He told me that I had a headlight out, to which I told him that I knew that and that is why I have my fog lights on, until I can get the light fixed.  He then asked for my license and insurance. As I handed him my license, I told him that the address on my license is not correct as I recently moved, but I did change my address online.   Then I handed him my insurance.  He asked if that was the latest insurance I had.  I said, I think so, to where he informed me that it was several months out of date.  I fumbled around with the envelope I keep it in and found the up to date one.    He asked me if I had any illegal items in the car, like guns or drugs.  I said no, as I handed him the up-to-date insurance, He asked me, "then why are your hands shaking?"   I intended to tell him that my hands always shake when I'm nervous.  However what came out was, "I always shake when I get pulled over."   He then questioned when I've been pulled over before.  I told him that when I had my permit I got pulled over because there is apparently a law in Illinois that you can drive too slow in the left hand lane, he understood that.  Then I told him that the other time I was pulled over was in Canada, he gave me a look.  I explained to him that I was visiting family and I thought I was in the turning lane but apparently I wasn't, and the a cop was.   He nodded and told me that he's not going to give me a ticket, but he's going to go and run my license through his system.  As I waited, I was just amazed at God.  The whole time, though I was nervous, I had amazing peace, and I didn't have to think about what to say, it was as if He just spoke for me.  I also had the random thought, watching the flashing lights in my rear view mirror, if the lights are randomized or if there is an order to them.  I was really tempted to ask the cop when he came back, but I heard clearly that still small voice of God tell me not to.  So I didn't.   When the cop came back, he gave me my license back along with a citation.  He told me to keep the citation with me in case in the next few days before I get the light fixed if I would get pulled over again, I can show the cop my citation and tell them I have already been pulled over.

I am so overjoyed by this, God is soo Good!  Yes I do have to now change my light, which I don't think I can do myself, as these German cars require to take off the whole bumper if not the whole front corner of the car to get to the light.    It's an expense I was not expecting, but I am thankful that it's nothing more, and that I didn't get a ticket for it!   God has surely blessed me.  I want to give a shout out to the cop who pulled me over - he did a wonderful job of doing his job and he was super friendly, polite and kind, I was honoured.  Thank you!  

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