Saturday, April 16, 2016

Kung Fu Panda 2 - What Christ has Done for us!

I just finished watching Kung Fu Panda 2.  Though this time, I observed that I unintentionally watched it in a different way than I've ever done with a movie before (especially a animated kids movie). I watched it for entertainment, but I got more out of it than just entertainment: the Holy Spirit showed me the spiritual life applications through out it.  And I have to say, this movie is full of them!

A particular quote from Po that stood out was,

"Fine! You stay in your prison of fear,
with bars made of hopelessness,
And all you get is three square meals a day of shame, but...."

Upon pondering over this quote afterwards and asking the Holy Spirit to show me why it stuck out, I can conclude the following.  

This quote is a description of our life in sin. This is our sin nature.  Without Christ we life in a "prison of fear, with bars made of hopelessness" and all we consume is shame and despair.  We were lost, in chains and not living life as God meant for us.

"But..." Christ came to change that.  We deserved the penalty of death for our sin, we were just waiting in prison for our sentence to be carried out. But Christ came and died for us. He paid the price of our sin, even though He Himself was sinless.  His death for us paid the price we were to pay.

But it did not end there, no. He rose up again! He came back to life! He conquered death and defeated the grave! He overcame our sin! Life in and with Him is a life in which we do not have to fear.  Through Him, we are no longer a slave to fear, we are no longer stuck in our prison of fear, we have been set free!   The bars of hopelessness have been broken! The chains are gone, we have been set free!   Christ has taken our sin, He has taken our shame, and now we consume life as it was meant to be.  We are alive in Him!

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