Friday, April 15, 2016

Coffee - m414

In celebration of  4/14 (April 14th; m414 is a missions program reaching out to the next generation - ages 4 through 14),  we had coffee.   Oto, out Missions Pastor, was in with us for class and He brought in some Honduran Coffee and we all brought in our French Presses (those of us who had them) and we made a bunch of Honduran coffee.  It was actually pretty good (as soon as I added in enough maple syrup).

(Only part of our class was in the room when we took the pictures)

Thanks to Oto Perez for the Pictures!


  1. I'm impressed --- you're actually acquiring a taste for coffee! I guess that's what happens at SLI. Jonathan came home with a new appreciation for coffee, too.

    1. So much that I got a French Press (a while ago). It's the the classes until the end of the year, but I figured I would like coffee enough by then that I would actually use it after SLI.


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