Today we had Pastor Steve in for Life Coaching again. As we do every time, He had us do a "Wheel of Life" type of paper - which is basically a paper that you rate 1-10 how 10 different areas of your life are going (e.g. Spiritual Life, Personal Development, Work, Pace of Life, Financial Stewardship, Physical Stewardship, etc...). We have to fill it out based off of how we feel at that moment. Then once we completed that we compared it to last month's. We also started going over our "homework" teaching us about our Passions. We had to fill out six different areas for what would we do in that area or how would it go on an ideal day with unlimited time and money (e.g. family, work, emotional, physical, activities, what excites me, etc...). We went around the room for each topic and shared how our day would go while Pastor Steve took notes. Then He went back and told each of us what he heard us say and or passion he sees in that. It was really cool. Not only from him telling me me what passion he saw, but also from writing it, I found that my parents may actually be correct :), I may actually be more of a people person than I thought.
After Life Coaching we had our third and final Noon Prayer and again God did many things there.
Would love to hear what else Pastor Steve said about you! (And all the other areas that we were right... :-) )