Monday, January 25, 2016

Lots of Sleep - Good or Bad?

So God really does work amazing with answering prayers.   I was getting sick a few days ago and I started praying that God would heal me. After a day or so of my health getting worse, I asked God that if I was going to be sick, at least keep my body healthy for the Fundraiser on Sunday (yesterday).  God did just that, yesterday almost all my symptoms were gone, and this morning they were all back and they were worse.  So sadly I stayed home from SLI today. Since I was going to be home already, I was hoping to catch up on a little sleep and then read my book for SLI all day (I have till Thursday morning to read the entire book and write a 5-page report on it).  I don't know if I am happy or sad right now.  I just woke up, at 4:35 pm!!!! I've never slept this late before!!! I can say that it is nice to get more than 14.5 hours of sleep, but I also lost 5-8 hours of potentially reading my book.

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