Sunday, January 24, 2016

SLI Fundraiser Lunch Day

I've been very busy this week so that is why I haven't posted much.  Below is a very quick summary of today (which is what I've been prepping for all week).

5:30 am - Got up
7:30 am - Arrived at church
7:30-8:20 am - prepped Lunch Fundraiser, Silent Auction, and Food Line
8:20-9:15 am - Served in parking
9:15-10:15 am - Sat in First Service
10:15-11:15 am - Served in Parking
11:15 am -12:15 pm - Prepped food, tables, etc... for Fundraiser Lunch
12:15 pm -1:20 pm - Helped with Fundraiser Lunch
1:20-1:25 - Helped talk about what we will be doing on our Missions Trip up on stage
1:25-1:35 - Finish up Silent Auction and "Who Get's A Pie in the Face Voting Jars" announced winners for Silent Auction
1:35-1:45 - All us SLI's and Bryan lined up on the stage with garbage sacks on us.  Bryce had counted the money in each jar and told Pastor Steve.  Pastor Steve threw 1/4 of a Chocolate Cream Pie in Bryan's face, (Bryan had raised the most in his jar even though his jar was only out for about a minute vs everyone else's jars were out for an hour).  In all 1/4 of a pie was thrown into the faces of the two highest voted jars AND the two lowest voted jars - Thank goodness I didn't get a pie in the face.
1:45-mid afternoon - Clean up and set up for Twenty20
mid afternoon-about 5:30 pm - Watched War Room - Great movie, Highly recommend it!
5:30-6:15 - eat leftovers for supper and hang around
6:15-7:00 - prepare for Twenty20
7:00-7:30 - Bake sale at Twenty20
7:30-9:00 - Twenty20 (I was doing ushering)
9:00-11:00+ pm - Bake Sale at Twenty20 (Sold out only after reducing prices several times)

15.5+ hours at the Church Today!!!!  We raised so much money for the trip - I have no idea exactly how much yet but it was a ton. We had donations for the lunch, a Silent Auction, Bake Sale, and a Pie-in-the-face voting with coins/bills.   The Pie-in-the-face alone raised more than $750, plus an additional $100+ Profit from the Silent Auction, Plus who know how much from the bake sale and donations.  All of the 1,000+ of Baked goods (Bake Sale items) sold out.   By the time Twenty20 hit, only about 1/10 of the baked goods were left (if even) and we reduced the prices (some up to 90% off) and we still made nearly $40) - so I can't wait to hear how much we made in total.  Praise God for providing!!!!

We weren't planning on doing a silent auction, but Pastor Beth donated several large collections of chocolate to sell. So in order to draw more people to the silent auction and to get more people's attention, I went to K&K and spent $70 on gift baskets (K&K is the Big Lots of Costco, so everything is already very reduced in price, plus the Gift Baskets were 40% off). They all had bids and nearly $200 was bid on all the items, which is over $100 Profit!!!!

Hopefully I can Find some more pictures and post them soon.

Praise God!!


  1. I'm sad you didn't get a pie in the face! :-)

  2. did you use real pie (Anna Mae's)? or fake?


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