Thursday, March 15, 2018

Cars' On The Mend

My car was suppose to get done yesterday, but the shop didn't give me a call like they said they would.  However I don't lay that on them.  I gave them a call this morning at 9:00 am. and found out why.  They put the two new engine mounts on but the shaking was still there.  They said it was better, but not gone.  They looked into it and talked with (or read something with) Volkswagen.   Come to find out the part they fixed back in January may be the problem.  They had ordered an off-brand part to save me money(which I was thankful for) but they are now finding out that there is a warning on it from Volkswagen to not put a cheap Chinese-made part on there or other problems will occur.  So they ordered the new part and are putting that in now.  They are now hoping that I'll have my car in a few hours.   They also said it will still be around the predicted $700 because, Praise God, it took a lot less time to put the mounts in than they had expected (a direct answer to prayer)!

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