Wednesday, September 27, 2017

iPhone Wiped

This past week I've been regularly fasting one meal a day, and Monday when I woke up (one of my first thoughts was how hungry I was and I was going to go eat a big breakfast) and God asked me to do a one-day fast.   So I did, it was really hard at times, but I had some Awesome times with God throughout the day.    Coming out of that, today, I have had a pretty great day.  I got out of school early as my last class was canceled (oh and God had directed me to drive separate Tuesday morning instead of carpooling with Bethany and Jesse like I normally do).   As I was leaving Heartland, school, I knew I needed to do several things, two of them bing go to the bank and stop at the Sprint Store to get my phone checked out - it's been having some problems.  I found that the Sprint Store was on the way, yet God still directed me to go to the bank first.  On my way back from the bank I stopped at Sprint to get my phone checked out.   I waited in line for probably over half an hour and eventually I got to talk with someone.  They didn't know for sure, but they figured it was software or something that was a problem.  They told me they would give it to one of their technicians who would run diagnostics on it and look into it.  First they had me back up my phone to iCloud.  Except I didn't have enough room do do so, so I purchased one month of an extra 50GB on the iCloud.   Then it started to back up.  The guy I was talking to took it back to the technicians and then came back out to me.  He told me the phone said it needed 30 minutes to finish backing up, and then it would take an hour for them to run everything on it and then reset the phone.   The told me to come back by 6pm.   
I drove around town as God directed me and walked around the mall window shopping and just walking.  When I got back to Sprint they brought out my phone and had me sign in and told me that it would take about 40 minutes to restore everything from the iCloud.  So I waited.  Except it never started to restore.  When it asked me what back up I wanted to restore it to, the most recent one was in July.   I took it to the guy and he helped me out. We worked at it for a long time, trying everything we could.   We checked with iTunes on my Mac (which I had happened to bring in) and it's most recent back up was in June.   We tried for nearly an hour this and that.  It got several people involved including one to the technicians.  But it wasn't seeing it.  

God then revealed to me while I was sitting there that this was a representation of what I had been asking.  I have been worried about wiping all my files on my mac and Hard drive, and asking for clarity, so God wipes my iPhone.   It's hard to explain over text, but that was the gist of what He revealed (this is just part of whole other story that He's taking me through).   So I continued it by asking God that if this was Him to not allow it (Sprint) to go through and get my phone working.  He did just that - and overkill (in a good amusing way). 

Then it locked us out when we tried entering the access code to get to iCloud saying that we have had too many access codes sent to us - which was true, but most of the texts never came in and the calls with the codes hung up within speaking one digit of the code to us.   So the guy told me to restore it with the old June back up on my mac and reset it again tomorrow and it should work.  Except (I like to think this is a big "BUT GOD" moment) the back up wouldn't go though because it needed the access code that it wouldn't send us.  Hahaha, it made me laugh so hard on the inside.   I walked out of there so happy, though I had a bit of frown inside me, I was full of peace, joy and laughter.   I loved it!  It was a great, exciting way to answer my prayer I believe.   


So this morning (Wednesday) I reset my phone around noon, and sure enough I was still unable to find my back up from the previous day.   (They guy I had worked with at Sprint was so kind and understanding on Tuesday.  He told me to try it in the morning and then contact him if I had any problems.  He told me that he was off on Wednesday but he gave me his personal cell number so I could contact him if I had a problem while I was away.)  So I texted him and he suggested I take it back into the Sprint store and have the technicians look at it again to see if they can figure it out.  Except when I went in I never made it to a technician.   The guy I talked to kept using words like "its your word that it was backed up" - as if it sounded like he didn't believe me.  I told him about the guy I talked to and what all happened and he told me flatly that he cannot guarantee me anything and that all my stuff is lost.  He told me the best he can do is restore to the last back up from Mid July.   

So I walked out of there with my phone still in July.   

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