Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Financial + Car Updates

I was able to sell a lot of my coins via eBay and get about $400 from them after shipping and Fee charges – shipping ended up costing well over $100 for all 30 or so different packages.  Now the $400 is not profit, by it I am losing about $350 or so, but that was expected.  God told me that I would lose money on them, as I was not suppose to buy them, but I did.   This is an expensively painful, yet valuable lesson that I have learned.   With paying off my Credit card bills, fuel and all that, and after some giving God encouraged me to do, my bank account is once again dropping below $100.   I will post more later on some of the why behind the giving.   I still will need at least $300-400 for my car breaks.   Which leads me into my car update.   My breaks in the past few days have gotten a lot worse.   They make lots of noise when I apply them.    I haven’t noticed much of a difference in how much/well they stop my car, but that is likely only a matter of time.   Also, I’ve been told that I will need new tires before winter hits, which are expected to cost between $700-800.   Now that is $1,000-$1,200 that I do not have.  However I am believing God to cover that.  He told me that He would provide, and I’ve seen Him provide in so many ways before, I know that He is not limited by the price of my “needs” here on earth.   God’s resources are unlimited.  

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