Monday, August 28, 2017

To Drop or Not To Drop: That Is the Question

Well a week has passed since I started college.  And I have tons running through my head.   I feel like I will really enjoy most of my classes - I have great professors pretty much all around.   However I am finding that I am now torn.  I have been praying about what path I plan to do come next semester - do I stay where I'm at pursuing a Teacher's Assistant Certificate, or do I pursue a 4-year degree to allow me to actually teach.  The latter option makes the most sense to me, though I hesitate, as I felt that it was the prior option that I had felt God calling me to back in the first few months of the year.   I still could use prayer on that.   I've also been struggling with some other things.   For one, I believe I need a job as I have no income and I will need money for this fall.   However I am currently taking too many classes to do homework and a job (I am taking 5 classes - 15 or 16 credit hours).   So I have been praying and thinking about dropping a class so I can work some this fall.  The drop date (to still get a refund) is the end of the month, so I only have a couple days to decided.    Heres my thing, it would make sense to drop my Music Appreciation class as that would allow me to work almost all day Monday, Wednesday, Friday.   However I would also like to drop my Childhood Growth & Development class as I have found (based off of my limited knowledge & understanding of only two class periods) that I really am not likely going to like this class, and in fact, out of all 5 of my classes I am dreading it most.   I thought I would love this one and not like the other ones.  But it's flipped.  I really find this one boring and I am not looking forward to what were going to be doing (basses off of what we talked about in class on what were going to be doing).  Any strangest of all, the most enjoyable classes I that I look forward to are Communications & History.   I find this very strange.  Now I don't know if it's just a hard season that I need to push through, or if it's a door closing.   I thought I was sent to Heartland to pursue and complete Early Childhood Eduction schooling.   Though, it is possible that God sent me here to see something else.    My question is, Did God send me down this hall so I could be in this hall, or did God send me down this hall so I could find a different hall or a door?

That is what I'm really praying about and seeking wisdom, guidance and direction on right now.   If I have peace about it and I also feel that God is allowing and/or directing me, I may drop both the Childhood Development class and the music class.    That way I'd have a lot more time for both work and homework.  

I am open to prayers and if any of you have thoughts on this.  Thoughts, prayers, suggestions,   I'm open and I want to hear them.

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