Monday, July 4, 2016

Life Update

So it's been a while since I really last updated my blog.   Life has been really crazy lately.   Last that I've told you was the craziness of moving.   If you are ever planning on hiring packers for moving, I would not recommend Two Men & A Truck.   They were really friendly people, but they didn't do a full job.  They "missed" rooms and we found drawers in the kitchen late the night before we were moving that they had not packed.  Areas that they did pack, they didn't fully pack.   Anyways, we were able to get most things into the truck and trailer.   However, we had some friends who were driving down to spend some time in Texas and help my family unload.  Then they would drive the trailer back with their truck to the owners here in Illinois.   However, the night before leaving, their truck broke down and they had to take our van.   We got to load a lot more stuff in the van.  Then once they are in Texas, they will drive our truck back up here.

There was a load or two of stuff still left in the house when they left, and I plan to go get the truck tomorrow afternoon (it should be back by then) and try to load up the stuff and take it to Grandma Baurer's.   All the stuff that didn't make it to Texas, I get to sell on my Garage Sale this weekend.

My mom and sister left in my dad's car at 4:00am Thursday morning for Texas.  My dad left around 9:00am with the truck and trailer.   His friend left in the afternoon, I think.   God has answered prayer once again, I have been trying to figure out what I'm going to use for a vehicle over the summer since I didn't bring my car down from Canada.   Thankfully, Praise God, my mom left here little red car here in Illinois for me to use over the summer, and I will take it down to her at the end of summer.    So now the van is in Texas and needs to be in Illinois; the Truck is in Illinois and needs to be in Texas, and my moms car (mine for the summer) is in Illinois and needs to be in Texas within two months.

I then moved into the Schlipf's (cousins) temporarily.  I will be spending most of my summer with either the Schlipf's or Grandma Baurer.   I spent Thursday through Saturday with the Schlipf's last week.  Then I road with them and Grandma to Indiana to the Stuckey's (cousins).    We've spent the weekend here in Indiana together for the 4th of July.   Tomorrow we will head back to Illinois (about 4-5 hour drive).  When I get back I will head to Tremont to pick up the truck and take the stuff still in our old house to grandma's.  Then I will spend the rest of the week at grandma's preparing for the garage sale.  The Garage sale with be at grandma's on Friday and Saturday.   Then I plan to look for a place to go to church and then I don't know what happens next.   We'll see.

I also did finally get to order a book I've been saving for and wanting to buy for a while.   A blog book.  This book is my entire blog, from the day I started it in September 2016, till my most recent post (prior to this one).  Now I'll have a hard cover, hard copy of my blog that I can go to anytime to be reminded of what God has spoken to me, all while not on the internet!  How great is that!!!  I'm really looking forward to it, it's suppose to get in around July 18th.   So excited.

God has a plan.

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