Monday, July 4, 2016

A Walk With The Holy Spirit

God has a plan, life is His, and He works all things for Good!   Though God has shown me many things over the past handful of weeks and given me peace about many things, I still have fears.   I have had many questions, concerns, and things to tell God.

Oh where to begin.  The other night I decided to take a walk with God again.  I haven’t done this since being in Illinois but I thought it was a good time to do so.  In the past I’ve dedicated each walk with God to a specific thing I need an answer to.  This time I just wanted to talk with God.  The walk was a 2-3 hour walk in perfect weather.  It felt really good to just walk, and even better to just walk with God.  I spent a lot of time pouring out my heart to Him. 

At first, I poured out my heart to Him, all that I do not understand and all that I have questions about.  Then I just talked to, praised and worshiped Him.  As I was praying, I prayed for Cristina (my cousin) and I felt to suddenly pray in the Spirit, and so I did so for the next long while.  I felt the topic change a few times, yet power was there and chains were being broken.  Praise God!   He began to speak to me of things to come as I talked with Him.  He told me that my future may be hard and outside of my comfort zone, and it will consist of persecution and death, but there is also life, joy and love shared.  It will be worth it, no doubt about it.  He told me that I will be blessed as I continue to trust Him.  He will bless Cristina as He already has.  He reminded me that the Holy Spirit is with me and I can just ask Him the things I would ask Jesus.  So I started firing away and, praise God, He started answering.  I asked Him about Abi, and He told me that she will have better friends in Texas and she will be blessed.  He is looking out for her, and loves her.   He also told me that I can tell her this.   I asked Him if I should sell my silver and He said yes, I should sell my silver, silver coins, coins, copper pennies, and all that I have.  Now He clarified that this is figurative.  No I don’t need to literally sell everything I have, but all that I am questioning whether I should sell or not, I should sell.   I also shouldn't worry about the Garage sale, for everything will sell.  I should do the Garage sale and sell food at it.  Not just cold drinks, cinn rolls and butter braids but something else, He will tell me what to sell.  I shouldn’t bake anything though.  I am not to bake – in the sense that I shouldn’t be using my money & time toward baking supplies – this is not something I wanted to hear and I had to confirm it again with Him to be sure.   I am to trust Him, He has a plan.  He told me to Trust Him, even though I may not understand it and it may seem silly, trust Him and let Him work out His plan.  Shortly later when He told me that He will tell me what food to sell at the Garage sale, I said, “that seems stupid” and He replied in a more polite way, “Isn’t that just what I said, It will seem silly, but trust me.” 

He told me that, yes, I should do the Garage Sale, and Yes, I should apply for a job.  I can work for the Spraying place (Neither yes nor no).  It’s a ‘I can but it doesn’t have to be that place.  I should just try to get a job.’    Also, that I shouldn't worry about finances, He will provide.  

As far as a Car…  He will show me if I should get a car in Canada, Illinois or Texas.   Yes I should get a car.  He will provide.  I asked Him if I should be looking or If He will bring it in.  He replied that I should “trust Him and He will provide”. Followed by, “Seek and you shall find.” And “Ask and it will be given to you, Seek and you shall find and Knock and the door will be opened.”   I am asking God for a car and He will provide.  Now I should Seek for a car, to look for one, and I will find.  And as I Knock on the doors of God’s presence, God will open and let me in. 

He said that I can live with either the Schlipf’s (cousins) or Grandma, it doesn’t matter.  It might make a difference depending where I get a job.  He then said, “I will bless you wherever you are.”

I heard Him laugh.  I asked Him If I should buy more stickers for the Garage Sale and He said yes, followed by, “just don’t be too excessive.”  I smiled and laughed saying, “God? When have I ever been excessive?”  I then heard Him laugh, a deep rolling laugh.  It warmed my heart so much. I’ve never heard Him like that laugh.  It was a good time with God again!

I had asked Him if I should apply for a visa and He told me that I should, that I should apply for a work visa.  But later on, I forgot what He said so I asked Him again and He confirmed that I should apply for a work visa, but then wait and trust Him.  I shouldn’t worry about it, for He will do what He said He will do.  I asked Him how I should do it, and He suggested I should Ask Joseph Olubobokun (someone at Koinonia who I've talked to about a visa previously). 

The whole way I kept asking God to remind me of all that He is telling me and He said that He would.  And He did, praise God! 

I asked Him how I could remember things better and His reply was, “Review and Live Out”   That says enough to me, Review and Live out! When I was talking to Him He told me how He loves me and has a plan for me. How He has blessed me and will continue to do so.   His laughter and so much more.  I told Him that I will treasure that in my heart and to my surprise He said “no you won’t”   When I questioned I was reminded/told that I would only treasure it in my heart if I reviewed it and lived it out.  Otherwise I wouldn’t remember it. 

He also told me that to stay focused He told me to always bring it back to Him. Praise Him, worship Him, talk to Him, ask Him to take my life over completely and rid me of it.  Let Him lead fully.

He told me that Yes, I will be with Kids, but also He answered the piece on my heart the past 13+ years that I’ve been trying to ignore and run from.  I will be a pastor. And I will pastor kids, pastors, adults and I will go into all the world to proclaim the gospel.  It will be hard and out of my comfort zone but He will give me courage and be with me.  

He told me that I need to stay focused on Him!  Trust Him alone! I don't need silver, money, coins, plans, life… I need Him!   His love has washed over and drowned all my fears.  

He said that I can sort through more copper pennies to sell, but it might cause me a bit more stress.  Yes it will make me more money, but it will be a lot of work. 

Oh.... GOD IS GOOD!   I never expected to just be able to straight out ask Him questions like this and have Him straight out answer them.  He normally doesn't do this (I think), and it has taken some time of praying and a great amount of continual seeking after Him, His word and His will.   God is Good!  Praise God.   I have so much peace now about what lies ahead of me, at least for the next step in this new adventure.   Thank God for the Holy Spirit!!!! He is such a good friend.  


  1. I rejoice with you, Joshua! Praise God for what He is doing in your life!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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