Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Be Still & Listen

Life journal July 4, 2017

Proverbs 4:1 My child listen to me listen to your father's instruction pay attention and grow wise.
Proverbs 4:20 Pay attention my child to what I say listen carefully don't lose sight of my words let them penetrate deep within your heart. 

God is speaking I need to listen he wants me to be still and to listen to pay attention and to listen.  He wants me to keep my eyes on He's shown me, as he says "do not lose sight".   Pay attention; listen carefully; don't lose sight; listen to me; listen to your father's instruction; pay attention.  God is saying so many things here.  He wants me to pay attention, to listen, to not lose sight of Him; of His words, of His word 

(Application) God is speaking to me. God is wanting me to hear things.  God is wanting me to see things.  He wants to tell me things and is telling me things He just wants me to listen. He doesn't want me to go go go all the time, He wants me to be still and listen.  He wants me to take time, pause, and hear His voice. He wants me to take the time to get to know Him, to hear what He has to say.  I talk about valuable words... His words are the most valuable. So why would I not take time to hear Him?  So why would I not take time to listen to what He has to say?  Why would I not take time to listen to the most valuable words ever, but I would take time to take a nap or to mindlessly scroll through Facebook?  He wants me to listen, to be still and to listen.  His voice is so valuable and so full and gracious. His voice is unlike any other with the authority; the power and the beauty of His words pierce the heart and mind and soul and body like none other. He is speaking, He is showing.

I just have to be willing to open my eyes and listen.  I have to be willing to hear outside of the other voices.  I have to be willing to set aside every other voice there is in my life; every voice I have to be willing to set all of them aside to hear His voice.  I have to be willing to set aside Facebook; I have to be willing to set aside my phone; I have to be willing to set aside my laptop; I have to be willing to set aside sleep; I have to be willing to set aside other conversations; I have to be willing to set aside social time; I have to be willing to set aside hobbies; I have to be willing to set aside what I think is important so I can spend time with the God of the universe; to hear the most valuable words I can hear; in the most valuable voice there is. I have to be willing to take time to sit down, pause and to be still and listen.  He says listen to me, pay attention, listen to what I have to say, listen carefully, and don't lose sight of my words, let them penetrate deep within your heart. He wants me to take time. Wow. He wants me, a broken sinful human, to take time with Him, perfect ultimate loving God.  The one who already is, wants me to take time with Him, wow!  Be still and listen, carefully pay attention, "don't lose sight of my words, let them penetrate deep within your heart for they bring life and radiant Health to anyone who discovers their meeting. Above all else guard your heart for it affects everything you do." 

(Prayer) Oh Lord teach me how to be still, teach me how to focus when my mind and my body just want to go go and go. Teach me to just be still and listen, teach me how to pay attention when I'm not going and teach me how to stay awake when I'm being still. Give me a desire in an excitement and a passion for hearing your voice; for listening for you; to listening to you and talking with you -> a two-way conversation -> listening to most valuable voice on earth. Teach me Lord how to hear and to see. Teach me the value in your way, in your valuable name I pray, amen

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