Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A Chicken With Rocket Boots Explained

Last week I posted about my Going Away Party on June 25th at the Kuepfer's house.  In that post I shared that a friend gave me a word, "A Chicken with rocket boots".    Yesterday while I was on my walk with God, He showed me what that meant.  

First word: a chicken with rocket boots. Second word: a chicken with rocket boots is like a boat with wings.

A chicken with rocket boots. A chicken doesn't naturally come with rocket boots. A chicken can't even imagine what rocket boots are.   Rocket boots to a chicken are incomprehensible. But the owner of the chicken was raise the chicken and take care of the chicken.  He holds the chicken down so he can put the rocket boots on. Once the chicken has a rocket boots it's no better off than going without them because the chicken doesn't know how to use them. So the owner will take time to teach the chicken how to use the rocket boots.

Once the chicken knows how to use them he will fly.  Then he will do things that he was not able to do by himself, and without the rocket boots, the chicken couldn't really fly. Now the other chickens who don't have rocket boots saw the owner putting the rocket boots on the chicken and backed up a little bit.  They saw the owner teaching the chicken how are use the rocket boots and saw the chicken hesitate a little bit trying to figure them out correctly.  Again the other chickens backed up. But once the chicken learns how to fly, the other chickens will want to have rocket boots so they can fly. They won't go to the chicken who has the rocket boots because they saw the owner put the rocket boots on the chicken.  Therefore they will go to the owner for the rocket boots. But those who did not see the owner putting the rocket boots on the chicken will come to the chicken who has them. Either that chicken or the chicken who did see the owner, will now direct these chickens to the owner.   

I am the chicken, God is the owner.  He will hold me down to give me a good gift that will lift his name up. He needs me to be still and wait on him so he can prepare and do the right timing with the rocket boots;  He wants to fasten them on properly. He then will take me through a season teach me how to use what he has given me because with the gift he's given me I'm no better than without it if I don't know how to use it. When I finally know how to use it I will fly. Then others will be drawn to God for they saw the mighty work that he did. Those who do not see will come to me or those who didn't see and likewise be directed to God. His name will be lifted up above all else. His name and his name alone will be glorified.

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