Saturday, October 13, 2018

"You Are Faithful God Forever"

While I was down in Texas last week in Dallas at the conference, kind of out of the blue I had 4 warning lights come on in my car, the break system warning light, the ABS light, the Break system warning light and warning buzzer, and SLIP indicator light.  At the time, they were an answer to prayer - I had just bought some things at Wal-Mart and was a bit convicted for buying them as I didn't have the money and I felt like it was an answer to prayer; as a way of God saying, "hey that was me saying not to get those things.  Now take them back."   So I did and felt a lot better about it afterwards - though I was sad not to have them. 

Anyways the lights haven't gone off since.  I didn't really tell anyone about it.  Then my dad texted me, without knowing that I had the lights on, with a picture of a letter a friend of his who has a Prius got.  It was of a warranty coverage thingy that could potentially replace the Break Booster for free.   There were 5 warning lights that may indicate this issue.   Four of those lights were the lights that I had in my car.  So I set up an appointment with Peoria Toyota first thing this morning (Saturday) for them to inspect it to see if the lights in my car line up with this warranty thingy. 

When I got there the sales representative told me that if they dig into it to diagnose it (much more that what they had done at my last appointment) and they find that it doesn't line up with the warranty thingy, they will charge me for the diagnostics (1 hour at $115 per hour).   I told them I couldn't do that - that I do not have the money for that.   They told me that they are not going to do it for free if it's not covered by the warranty thingy (I forget the actually term it was called).  I said that I don't have the money.  The representative told me that we are at a cross roads then, and asked if I wanted to cancel my appointment.  I hesitated, not knowing what to do.  They the lady offered that she could get a mechanic to quick get the code readings from the car to see if they problem remotely relates to the issue, to see if I wanted to cancel the appointment or not.  So I said that was good.  While she was doing that, I silently prayed, asking God for wisdom on if I should go ahead with this inspection.  I felt like He was leading me to go ahead with it.   So when the mechanic came and read the codes and found no codes, I gave them the go ahead saying, that I'll have to find some way to cover the costs.  I had to sign a sheet saying that I would pay the $115 if it ended up not being under the warranty thingy. 

Over the next hour or so while I waited, I got to spend some really great quiet time in Toyota's waiting area.   Time flew quite quickly - as they say, 'Time flies when you're having fun'.  Before I knew it the lady came up and told me that the diagnostics seem to be leading to the break booster, but my car isn't covered by the warranty thingy.  She explained to me that the warranty thingy (I showed her the picture from my dad's friend) is specific to certain cars only, and not to all Prius's - they would have sent me a copy of the letter had my car fit under it's umbrella.  They asked if I wanted to continue the diagnostics leading towards the break booster, knowing now that it will be another 2 hours - and knowing that the break booster replacement will be $1,400 plus labour.  I told them no, so the lady told me they would bring my car around and she will bring the paperwork out so I could pay. 

I prayed (and asked my dad to pray for me as well) that God would provide one way or another.  During that time I wrote out my prayer to God believing that He will either let it align with the warranty some way or cover the cost to fix it.   When the lady came back out, she said that she didn't want to charge me since they didn't complete the diagnostics - and she owed the mechanic a favour - so she gave me the whole $115's hour's worth of work for free!!!  WOW  GOD!!! 

The Sales Representative was clear at the beginning that she would not do this, but she did it anyway - By the grace and wondrousness and faithfulness of God!!  Thank you Jesus!  He told me that He would provide and He provided!!!!   What a God we serve! 

The lady also gave me a number to call Toyota and see if they will somehow give me the break booster warranty thingy. 

God is soooo Goood!!

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