Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Coin Sales

Coinwise, I have had a lot less sales lately.   That is partly because I don't post as much, and partly because I drastically raised the shipping costs.  I did the latter because I had too many issues with coins not arriving, and it was costing me heavily, so I raised the shipping costs in order to equip each package sent out with a tracking number to ensure prompt arrival.  The former is because of the latter.   I knew that less would sell, so I haven't posted as much.  Though now that I have much cheaper stamps, I would like to try to get back to work at posting more coins.  

I also had a guy on Craigslist that is somewhat interested in buying a lot, if not all, of my IKE Dollars (Just over 1,750 of them).   However he hasn't said for sure if he will buy them or not - he wanted some time to think about it.  So, in the meantime, I will work on trying to sell them on eBay.   

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