Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Boom, Boom, Boom

 One thing right after another happens this week.  This morning I came in to school for an 8am final - which was a breeze - Praise God!   In just a little bit, at 9:30, I head over to work.    Normally I work from 10:30 to 3:30, but because some other student workers have finals, I get to work an extra hour.

Thursday (tomorrow) I have to head in to a mechanic shop in Normal, Illinois at 9am to have some repairs done to the car I am driving - the passenger-side outer tie rod is about broken - if it breaks, the front right tire will move at free will, not connected to the steering wheel.   Then at 2pm tomorrow I go in to take my last final exam of the semester.  I expect it to take 60-90 minutes.  

Friday is another early morning, as I will be leaving home around 7am.   I have to be in Peoria (~40-60 minutes away) by 8am.  I am getting my MRI on my right knee tomorrow at 8:15 am.  Then I will be coming back and again having the opportunity to start work an hour earlier.  I will work from 11am to 5pm.  

Saturday is not as early, but still not too much sleep-in time.  I have a 10:10am appointment with my Chiropractor.   I went to this Chiropractor twice last week and he is really good.  My mom's new chiropractor down in Texas recommended this guy (who is 10 minutes away from where I live) as the guy here in Illinois got the guy in Texas into the chiropractic field.   Anyways, he has really helped me.  My pain has dramatically gone down, not gone, but much less than it was.    He, unlike many chiropractors, doesn't have me to come in two or three times a week.  I went in twice last week, and then again this coming Saturday.  My chiropractor then said, after this Saturday's appointment, I only come back when I want to.  

Sunday Morning is another early one.  I get to serve again on Eastview Christian Church's parking team!  I have to be there by 8:15 - sometimes they will have refreshments there if I come early.   Eastview has all of there church body serving set up as one month on and one month off.   So I will be on in the odd months (May being one of them).

Monday starts the summer of early mornings.  My new work schedule for the summer is 8am to noon, so I will consistently have early mornings this summer.  

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading your blog Joshua!! Luv ya


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