Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Past Week At A Glance

This past week,

Monday night, October 31st: Koinonia had it's Bright Light's Night: Under the Sea! A night full of family fun games and fun, worship and skits, and of course, loads of candy!  That was a ton of fun.

Wednesday night, November 2nd: The start of nearly nonstop business.  It was life groups and I'm in How to receive your miracle.  It's very powerful, and God has been speaking volumes to me through it.  He is very visibly there every night.

Thursday Morning, November 3rd: 7:30am, I was among the 10 Koinonia Christian Academy Staff (minus 1) to leave for a 1-2 hour drive for an ACSI conference (for Christian Schools).  It was a fun day, and though I did feel out of place, I learned a lot.

Friday Morning, November 4th: 7:45am, I met the KCA's principal at his house and rode with him, again, to the conference for the second day (the rest of the teachers, minus one who could only attend one day, stayed overnight in a hotel).  Again the day was awesome and powerful.  Throughout the whole conference I learned a lot about how to work with kids in general and with kids with learning disabilities and their parents.  Through that I also learned a lot about myself as I grew up with learning disabilities, and how I can relate what I know about myself, to those who I am teaching.  One thing that really stuck out to me was one of the speakers, from America, brought up Chick-fil-A.  He said, "see your students and parents as Chick-fil-A sees their customers."  Most people, didn't fully understand it (I don't think) since there are no Chick-fil-A's up here.   However, It really stuck out to me, and struck home since I knew clearly what he was talking about.  Chick-fil-A see's their customers as valuable human beings; as someone who is worth something great; as someone who they would love to serve; as someone they can work with; and so much more.  

Friday afternoon, November 3rd: Dave (KCA Principal) and I left early from the conference (half way through the day) in order to make it back to Koinonia's mens Conference on good time.

Friday evening/night, November 3rd & Saturday all day, November 4th:  Koinonia's Mens conference, Valiant: Relentless, started.  It was filled with everything guys love, from food to intense teaching to RC racing, to axe throwing to blitz chess to video gaming, to garage band, to changing tires to so much more.   It was a loaded experience filled with great fellowship and worship.  

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