Sunday, January 13, 2019

God Answered Prayer!

In the last 24 hours, the world around me has bustled with excitement and joy opportunities that I have so longed for.   Today I have spent more time outside than I generally do on nearly any given day.  The case on hand is one that is so pure it is bursting with joy!

I am currently sitting in my car in our driveway, parked, at 11:34 PM on Saturday, January 12, 2019.   I am filled with joy as drifts up to over two feet of snow peek around me.  I love the snow!!!   Just about 24 hours ago there was not a flake of snow in sight, and now it’s everywhere, and blowing.    The drift that we nearly flattened earlier (over 2 feet deep) has now been completely covered up with no sign that it was ever damaged.   With the wind roaring and the snow falling, today has been a Great day!  

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But you may ask, “Joshua, why are you in your car out in the snow at 11:30PM?”  Well, I’ve had this feeling in my heart today, particularly this afternoon that I have had many times in the past.  It’s the pulling to withdraw from what I am doing and go spend time with God.   More often than not, this pulling leads me to take a drive to a remote place away from distractions and temptations.   Today, as I’ve felt this pulling, I decided not to follow right away for a variety of reasons.  One, the weather was questionable – getting out of the drive was a big question.  Two, we were doing a number of family activates that I didn’t want to miss out on (movie, meal, and games).   And thirdly, I was deciding if the pulling was really God or not, and if so, if it was really pulling me to a drive or just to spend time alone with Him.   

Well, this evening, after the movie, the meal, and the games – all were a lot of fun – I went down to my room and started sorting LEGOs.   But something didn’t seem right, I felt like I needed more time with God.  So I got alone with Him and it was then that I really felt that I needed to go for a drive with God.   I prayed about it and sought His wisdom on it.  And there was an out-of-the-ordinary gentle peace about the idea of going.   Yes there was some worry there, but a peace even surrounded the worry in a way.    So I went up stairs and checked to see how dry my coat, hat, and gloves were (from being outside earlier).  Then I looked outside and saw a huge drift of snow between me and my car.   I then went inside and asked my aunt and uncle (Renee and Steve Schlipf) to pray for me.  After they prayed, quite beautiful prayers if I can say, I asked for their advice.   They both gave their input on what they thought about the situation and about the feeling and pulling.   Renee reminded me that Satan will try to get me so caught up in deciding whether to go or not that I won’t get any time with God at all.   This was an encouraging reminder as I have fallen into that temptation so many times.  

So I went.   I got my stuff, Saran wrapped my feet and lower legs (as makeshift snow boots) and headed out.   As I neared my car, I saw many deep-ish drifts spreading through the whole driveway – a fair length to tread through in a small Prius that doesn’t have snow tires.   But I trusted the voice in my head and heart that told me that God was in control and is greater than the snow drifts.  I felt that God reminded and encouraged me by telling me that He can get me through, and will get me through.  

So I got in my car and started it up.  I immediately blasted the defrost on high to melt the front and rear windshields.  I also felt led to not dig out the snow behind the car nor clear off the snow or ice on the windshield.   So I sat listening and worshiping along with worship music while the windshield defrosted.   Except… it seemed to take forever.   One small strip of window in front of the passenger seat melted, but nothing else seemed to be melting.  And the windshield wipers were frozen down.  Many times I was tempted to either get out and clear off the snow and ice or to just drive and let the breeze take care of it.  But I was reminded to be patient and to be still; that waiting, especially waiting for God, is not a bad thing – even though it can be a very difficult thing for me sometimes.  So I waited.  

I do not know how long I waited, but eventually I tried the wipers again and they wiped the rest of the snow right off and I was ready to back out.  Remembering to drive slow-ish, yet with a certain amount of speed to overcome the snowdrifts, I backed up.  I hit the first drift and kept on going.  Yeah!  I felt the encouragement that God was with me, would never leave nor forsake me.  He was providing and answering prayer.   But before I made it very far, I stopped making progress in reverse.   So I drove forward and rammed my way back even further.  I did this several times, but within a short distance, I found myself stuck – unable to go forward nor backward.      I worked a lot with backing up and driving forward, trying to work the timing of the back and forth rocks to build the right momentum to either make it forward or further backwards.  Finally I decided to only try to go forward – still without success.  

It was then that I was brought the thought that was what I needed.   Pray.   Pray over the car.   So I prayed, asking God to unstick the car.  I thanked Him for what He has done and surrendered to Him, telling Him that I am unable to get this car as I am – I cannot – but I know that He can.  I know that He can just think it and the car will come unstuck and He can just think it and it can drive through the snow without problem.  So I asked Him for as much.  Then I got out and laid my hands on the hood, after wiping the hood clear of snow, and prayed over the car.  Then I went around and laid hands on each tire, praying over each one and surrendering to God in each prayer, praying in Jesus’s name.  I prayed over the rear of the car as well.  While I was praying over the rear of the car, I made the commitment before God that if He would get me unstuck I would testify it; that I would declare what He did both on my blog and on Facebook, and if He allowed, I would do it tonight.   I refreshed my intended purposes for this car in some of my prayers as well; encouraging me that what was the intent has not been lost.   I then laid hands on the hood again and prayed over the car.   Then I got in, tuned the car on, shifted into drive, and hit the accelerator.

The car didn’t burst out of its spot like I had expected it to.   But it did move a few inches forward.  So I reversed and punched it forward again.  My wheels spun and spurred and slid, but a few inches were gained.   I repeated this over and over until I was back in my original parking spot shouting praises to God for answering prayer – He got me out.  I was stuck and He pulled me out.    Him and Him alone.   It was not I – I did nothing other than pray to God in belief and expectation and He did the rest.   

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Looking back I could wonder why I wasted all this time.  I could complain that things didn’t go as I wanted them to.  I could say that since I didn’t make it out for the drive on the road, that it wasn’t God who was leading me to go.  I could blame Him or get upset at Him for getting stuck.  I could get upset at and beat up myself for believing such a thing and taking the time this late at night.   And yet I don’t.   I know that this was God.  I know some of the reasons why He did it.  I rejoice that I got to spend this valuable time with Him.  And I thank Him for leading me out here in these circumstances.   

He answered prayer.  He showed me the power of prayer yet again.  He reminded me that praying is more than just asking, but it is speaking from the heart.  He reminded me that asking is more than just stating what I want, but is a movement of my heart in submission to Him and in submission to His will.  It is a submission to His result, whether it is what I want or not.   The New Testament author puts it this way: ‘my God can, my God will, and even if my God does not, I will praise Him.’  He answered prayer.  I had not expected the snow to take so long to melt off of my windshield.  I had not expected my drive with Him to be so short, nor for it to be not much driving.  I had not expected that Him getting me unstuck would consist of slow movements that didn’t feel like much movement or progress at all.  And yet He was never wrong; He was never unfaithful; He was always with me and for me.  He was working it all for good and He was teaching me, reminding me, and encouraging me.   I am very grateful that I got to have this opportunity with Him tonight.   God is good!  God is faithful!  God is worthy of all of our praise!